Nov 04, 2008 15:03
I slept for about 1.5 hours last night not because I did not go to bed at 11:00ish, but because I was too anxious and stressed out to sleep. I finally dozed off sometime after 3am, but was startled awake by the death alarm at 4:30 to go to Open Book and serve voters coffee. Walter Mondale came in, which was pretty sweet. The shift itself was relatively painless due to the fact that I was still in insomnia mode, but now I just feel wasted.
Reasons to not be so damn cranky:
a. I have a working thesis for my paper due Thursday night, whether or not I finished it on time
b. I get to see Bob Dylan tonight
c. I have a full three hours (count em, THREE!!!) to write my research proposal, and I already know more or less what I am going to say (corporations are evil, capitalism and democracy are fundamentally incompatible...)
d. I will probably still have a network of people willing to accept me and love me even if I have an emotional breakdown and drop out of school
e. This is certainly not the most stressed out or the most busy I've been in my life, and I have managed to come out of that alright, seeing as how I have yet to complete a semester without making dean's list
f. Who the fuck cares about grades? I have no plans for graduate school at this point anyway
g. If all else fails, I have a thumb and $1,000 in my bank account, which is more than enough to thumb it til I forget all my troubles and become one with the land
h. Thanksgiving is only three weeks away
i. I probably have liquor in my cabinet, and the booze store is not far away
j. My laundry is clean, so at least I don't have that to worry about
k. Kitties?
Enough procrastinating by cheering myself up. Its time to bullshit a research proposal and then bike my way over to Wilson to print off the bullshit that comes pouring out of my anal cavities tonight.