(no subject)

Jun 14, 2005 13:25

Well, as I mentioned before, I was going to write a fanfic, and use the Moulin Rouge script to do it. This is it.

Title: Star Wars: The Galactic Senate
Chapter # 1: The Revolution
Rating: PG!
Pairing Obidala!

Keep in mind that this is light-hearted, and a bit of a parody on both films. In this story, Qui-on lived and took Anakin as his apprentice... Obi-Wan, however, had finished his training before the Tatooine mission, and never went, meaning he has never met Anakin, or Padme.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, a young Jedi knight sets out to make his way in the world, and because of problems with the Trade Federation, sets up a home and a life near the Galactic Senate on Coruscant. On his first night staying in his new home, he is interrupted by a group preparing a play for the Galactic Senate's Gala Preformance...he gets roped in, and before he knows it, he is being thrown in front of the beautiful Senator Padme to try and sell his new friend's idea for the play.

Meanwhile, Palpatine has decided that he wants to take Qui-Gon Jinn's apprentice Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the Force, and figures that he can use Anakin's obsession with the young Padme to do so. All he has to do is promise Padme in return for an alliance....

[Black Screen]

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

STAR WARS: The Galactic Senate

There was a boy A very strange enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, very far across the galaxy. A little shy and sad of eye, But very wise was he.

And then one day, A magic day he passed my way and while we spoke of many things, Fools and kings, This he said to me...

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn Is just to love and be loved in return"

[Scene One: Obi-Wan's Hut on TATOOINE ]


OBI-WAN: The Galactic Senate . . governed by a body of Senators representing the many worlds of the galaxy...A place of justice, peace and also unfortunately, corruption. It was ruled over by Palpatine, who among other things, had a rich fascination with the under-workings of Coruscant. The Senate was a kingdom of political pleasures. Where the rich and powerful come to play with the young and beautiful Senators. To invoke their minds, and perhaps their affections. And the most beautiful in all the Senate was the woman I loved, Padme, who represented Naboo. She would do anything for the better of her people. They called her the "Sparkling Diamond", and many considered her the very star of the Galactic Senate. The woman I loved is . . . dead.

Although I'd lived on Coruscant almost my whole life, I never ventured near the Senate, or strayed far from my master. I knew nothing of how it worked, Palpatine or Padme. Now, however, The galaxy, had been swept up in problems with the Trade Federation, and near war, So I left my old Master Qui-Gonn Jinn to train his new apprentice, whom he'd aquired many years ago on an adventure that I did not accompany him on and I traveled from the Jedi Temple to assist this problem, And then I saw the Magnificant Senate building. It was the center of the galactic world with kings, ministers, and intelects. Yes, I had come to live a as a Jedi in this world. I had come to uphold truth, beauty, freedom and at which I believe in above all things . . . Love.

QUI-GON JINN: Always this ridiculous obsession with love!

OBI-WAN: There was only one problem, as a Jedi who wanted to join the Counsel one day, I was supposed to refrain from love myself, although I did uphold it.... But, right at that moment a deactivated golden protocal droid fell through my roof. He was quickly joined by a R2 unit dressed as a nun.


R2-D2: Beepbeep BEEEP beep. ((How do you do? My name is R2-D2. I'm terribly sorry about all this. We were just upstairs rehearsing a play.))

OBI-WAN: A play, something very modern called "Spectacular, Spectacular."

R2-D2: Beeeeeeepbeep beep!! ((And it's set on Endor!))

OBI-WAN: Unfortunately the protical droid suffered from a shut-off malfunction.

R2-D2: Beep BeeepBeep Beep Bop Beep (( Happily fine one moment then suddenly unconscious the next.))

JAR JAR (through the hole in the floor above): Howsa is he?

MEENA TILLS: (through the hole in the floor above): How wonderful! Now that blasted droid is now unconscious. And therefore the scenario will not be finished in time to present to the financier tomorrow!!

MACE WINDU: (through the hole in the floor above): Quick R2, I still have
to finish the music.

R2-D2:BEEEEEEP!!! ((( We'll just find someone to read the part.)))

MEENA TILLS(through the floor above): Oh where in heavens are we going find someone to read the role of the young sensitive Swiss poet goat herder?

OBI-WAN: Before I knew it, I was upstairs standing in for the unconscious droid.

[Scene Two: The Upstairs]

[the room contains an elaborate piano called the Absinthesizer and a Alderaan Mountains Scenery Backdrop with a Ladder for makeshift Mountains}

JAR JAR BINKS: The hills they is animated with, the euphonious symphony of
descants . . .

MACE WINDU: Stop, stop, stop!

MEENA TILLS: Oh stop, stop, stop, stop that insufferable droning is drowning
out my words. Can we please just stick to a little decorative piano?

OBI-WAN: There seem to be artistic differences over MEENA's lyrics to
MACE's songs.

MACE: What if he sings "The hills are vital intoning the descant"?

JAR JAR: No, no, no, the hills they is--

C-3PO: ((wakes up)) Goodness, Gracious Me, The hills are incarnate with symphonic melodies.


JAR JAR: Nos . . .

OBI-WAN: The-the hills

JAR JAR: The hills they is chanting...chanting--

MACE: The hills . . .

OBI-WAN (singing): The hills are alive with the sound of music! . . .


C-3PO: "The hills are alive with the sound of music!" Why, I love it!

JAR JAR: The hills . . .

R2-D2: . . . be-beeEEeeep . . . ((are alive))

MACE (singing): . . . with the sound of music. (spoken) It fits

OBI-WAN (signing): With songs they have sung for a thousand years.


R2: Beep!!! Bebebebebebeeeeeep!! (Incandiferous! Meena, you two should write the show together.)

MEENA TILLS: I beg your pardon?

OBI-WAN: But R2's suggestion that Meena and I write the show together was not what Meena wanted to hear.


R2: Beeeep!! ((Yes, your first job on Coruscant.))

MACE: No offense, but have you ever written anything like this before?

OBI-WAN: No, I'm a Jedi...not a writer

C-3PO: Ah! The boy has talent. (putting his hand on OBI-WAN's fly)
I like him! Nothing funny I just like talent.

JAR JAR: "The hills arealive with the sound of music." See Maca Windu, with Obi-wans we can writes this truly Bohemian Revolutionary show that we've always dreamts of.

MACE: Yes but how will we convince Palpatine??

OBI-WAN: But R2-D2 had a plan.

R2:Beep! (Padme . . .)

OBI-WAN: They would dress me in their best suit and pass me off as a famous writer from Dantooine. Once Padme heard my modern poetry, shewould be astounded and insist to Palpatine that I write "Spectacular,
Spectacular." The only problem was I kept hearing my old master's voice in my head . . .

QUI-GON JINN: You'll end up wasting your life for love with some beautful young Senator.

OBI-WAN: No! I can't write the show for the Senate's Gala.

R2:Beep? (Why not?)

OBI-WAN: I'm a JEDI!!!not a Bohemian Revolutionary, not a writer!.

R2: Beep beedle-beep(Do you believe in beauty?)


JAR JAR: Freedoms?

OBI-WAN: Yes of course.

MACE: Truth?


JAR JAR: Love?

OBI-WAN: Love? Love. Above all things I believe in love. Love is likeoxygen. Love is a many splendored thing. Love lifts us up to where webelong. All you need is love!

MACE: (Frowns) But as a Je--

R2: Beeep!! ((See, you can't fool us. You're the voice of the "Children of the

JAR JAR and MACE: We can't be fooled!

R2: Beep beep beEEEEeeep Bop-Beep ((Let's smoke to the new writer of the first Galactic Bohemian Revolutionary show!))

OBI-WAN: It was a fantastic plan. I was to audition for Padme and Iwould taste my death sticks for the first time.

Green Twi'lek: I'm the Green Twi'lek!

ALL (singing): For Freedom, Beauty, Truth, and Love!

Green Twi'lek (singing): The hills are alive with the sound of music.

ALL (except OBI-WAN)` (singing): You can't fool the children of the revolution. No youcan't fool the children of the revolution.

OBI-WAN: What Revolution?

Green Twi'lek (singing): Children of the revolution. Of the revolution. The revolution, of the revolution . . .


OBI-WAN: We were off to the Galactic Senate, and I was to perform my poetry for Padme.

Green Twi'lek (singing): The hills are alive!


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