cs ff: if you love me (ch 7 "I love you")

Jan 20, 2015 22:39

Title: if you love me
AUTHOR: obisgirl
Rating: nc-17
Characters: Killian/Emma
Summary: Princess Emma is betrothed King Leonidas, something she is not happy about because he is so much older than her.  Captain Killian Jones is tasked with escorting Emma to her new kingdom.  On the eve before they arrive, Emma asks him to sleep with her so she'll have one happy memory before she marries and he obliges her request.  But what happens when their one-night stand turns into something more? 
Disclaimer:  Once Upon a Time characters are property of Disney and Adam Horowitz, Edward Kitsis. This fanfic is for pure entertainment.

“No,” she cries again, kissing him passionately. “Killian please, oblige me this one last request. I can't let you leave without a proper goodbye. Wait for me there, please my love,”
  This entry was originally posted at http://obisgirl.dreamwidth.org/243195.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

cs ff: if you love me, cs ff

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