The one thing worse than vandalism...

Aug 11, 2007 17:32

I went out to my car this morning and someone had egged it overnight which really sucked. It wasn't too hard to clean up because it was only a single egg on the windshield and my windshield wipers still work so ha! But the deeper issue here is that some punk rat bastard kid decided to egg my car but couldn't even be bothered to do it right. One (1) egg! I get more than that with my toast at Waffle House! And it didn't even get on the paint at all! That's more disrespectful than a full, proper egging. I'd like to think that anyone who would want to practice such villainry against me would at least consider me worth an entire carton of eggs but noooooooooo. Apparently I'm not. What the blazes?

Or maybe it has nothing to do with me and it was just some lazy kid who felt like egging a car but was too much of a lazyarsed slacker to do it properly. If so, that's pathetic. I do not condone vandalism by any means but anything worth doing is worth doing right even if it isn't really worth doing to anyone with half a brainfull of sense. There is something wrong with our society when the unmotivated, disaffected, rebellious youth can't even muster the gumption to be properly unmotivatedly and disaffectedly rebellious pursuit of their own ruination and status as a blight upon society. What is the point of halfarsed vandalism?
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