Yeah I love the classics line, and have most of them, save for Grimmy, who I could never find in store, and the repaints, save for Magnus because he came with Skywarp. Skywarp is the next step down for TFs I feel I have to own, because he was one of my first ones. I snagged the BB 2 pack from Target, so this is the "battle damaged" one. IT's not bad looking regardless, but if you have one handy use a silver sharpie to fix up the face a bit. Makes it look a LOT better. Also, the concept BB's legs are loose as hell, I put a bit of paper on the balljoint at the hips for stability.
I have NEVER seen an MP Starscream anywhere, Walmart, Target, TRS, nothing. I'm hoping one of the vendors will have one at the next con for a reasonable price.
I don't think I ever announced the new office. Basically, our old building is being converted into a post office, so we were put into an old timey brick building that used to be a barracks, then an MP station. 3 levels, one of them the basement that houses the kitchen, my office, the switch room and the computer lab, then the other offices and classrooms above. I actually have a window now. Unfortunately one is boarded up due to the A/C venting, and the other is blocked by some shelves.
I have NEVER seen an MP Starscream anywhere, Walmart, Target, TRS, nothing. I'm hoping one of the vendors will have one at the next con for a reasonable price.
I don't think I ever announced the new office. Basically, our old building is being converted into a post office, so we were put into an old timey brick building that used to be a barracks, then an MP station. 3 levels, one of them the basement that houses the kitchen, my office, the switch room and the computer lab, then the other offices and classrooms above. I actually have a window now. Unfortunately one is boarded up due to the A/C venting, and the other is blocked by some shelves.
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