So I just posted in:
sex_in_oberlin It's a community, but for some reason the link that I made registered it as a user, so be sure to use this instead: Or you know what, just don't click the first link. There ya go.
What am I thinking? Trying to irreparably damage myself considering my latest debacle with medical insurance...? I'm amazed at what I find myself doing these days.
Today I watched all of Season Two of Sex and The City. I have no life. Officially. Of course, I got to re-reading "The Fountainhead" today, and was thoroughly amused by how easy a read it was. I'm already 150 pages into it (much like my spelunking adventure with "Angels & Demons". Fun times today, all by myself!
Also, I decided not to venture out to Oberlin. Something was telling me that it wasn't a good weekend to do so, and from the variety of journal entries and personal conversations I've been having over the past couple days, there seems to be something brewing that is bigger than Hurricane Ivan could ever be. Maybe next weekend.
Spent last night at TGI Friday's with two of my best friends from home. We've been together since Kindergarten, there's nothing that could separate us three! Chuck, Preston, and I lived on the same street while growing up. Preston was my neighbor, and Chuck lived down the block. My how things have changed! They're both in the process of getting married. I met both of their fiancee's and it makes me happy that they've found people that will complete them.
Can't help but get to thinking about that sometimes. Maybe it's because I'm one year closer to turning 25. Maybe it's because being here makes me feel so utterly alone... even though the world/bubble I left is only a short drive away. I'm realizing that many more things from my college life need to be left in my college life, and that the transition into the Real World is the most difficult ever for me specifically.
It's not like I'm transferring myself into another gay urban area like California, New York, or Florida... I'm going back to my quasi-redneck roots and working in the school system. Realizing that being openly gay could cost me my job is not a fun thing to mill over. Yeah, I know you all can hear the record skipping at the same ol' spot, too. I'll stop.
This weekend is good for me. I hope it's good for the rest of you also. I hope you all know I miss you a lot, and that even though I'm not there I'm thinking about you.