Yesterday I received a call from the Caitlin Raymond International Registry, which is a bone marrow donor registry. Apparently, they have found a match for my bone marrow, a 13 year old girl with severe aplastic anemia (yeah, I looked it up; it's pretty awful). So I have consent forms to sign for further testing. I'm totally nervous as I'm not a fan of medical procedures, but excited to have the opportunity to help someone in this way. I totally get all goopy thinking about it.
If any of my tiny audience wants to sign up, the website is - I did it at a town blood drive two years ago. The woman I spoke with yesterday said it's about a 1 in 50 chance of getting called ever.
Last night, Hilary and I went to Restaurant Week (sort of) at Craigie on Main, and because they're all offal like that, their steak dish featured bone marrow. Very eerie - I went for the chicken instead :)