Weekend started sad and then ended GREAT!

Oct 05, 2008 22:35

On Friday, I had to attend to a attend a memorial of a great family friend, Miriam Silverberg who in the end passed away from bipolar disease/parkinsons disease. I knew it was coming, but it is still sad since it is a memorial for someone who died too early in her life! I will always remember her as the one who helped with my acceptance essay to college and looked at the essay word for word even though she was such a busy lady! Many people showed up to show their support. Even some people came from out of town. I'm sure she would have been happy with this turn out of support for her.

Throughout the memorial, many people gave speeches to commemorate her life and my mother delivered a speech. She included my connection with her and then all of a sudden I started to cry and the waterworks just did not go away until after she ended her speech! I thought I would not cry at the memorial since she passed away a while ago. In her memory, I will use her strong passion for her work to reach my dream and I will always remember her!
After the sad memorial I wanted something fun to do on saturday. I decided to go to a openinng reception of a art gallery in which my friend was the curator. I have not seen this person since he graduated from high school! We attended Japanese school together and I have not seen him since then. He was very surprised to see me at the art gallery! I took a look around to see what he has been up to since graduation. It was a interesting gallery not full of typical art pieces but rather things that are very abstract! Since it was the opening, there were many events that occurred while I was there. The artists had presentations. I met someone who offered a explanation to some of the art in the gallery. I was glad I got to speak with Gabe and see what he was up to! He was definetely surprised that my mother is his professor! I find that really amusing!
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