Title: Tree House
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Obi-Wan, Padme
Prompt: Club
Word Count: 164
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Little!Padme and Little!Obi sitting in a tree....
Author's Notes: I'm beginning to hate these kids. They break my brain.
"I have a tree house now." Padme dragged Obi-Wan onto the veranda. "See? We don't gots a tree, but papa made the pillar look like one. Then he built me a house!"
"Cool! We could make a club, with passwords and secret handshakes and stuff!" Obi-Wan was delighted. This would be So Cool!
Padme led the way to the secret staircase that led up to the little house. "Yep, and we an have secret meetings and plan all sorts of stuff!"
Obi-Wan grinned. "I bet we could hide up here for a long time before they could find us."
Padme giggled. She closed the door behind them and pounced on Obi-Wan. He caught her and spun her around before they both fell on the floor laughing.
"Hey! You kids be careful up there!" Ruwee's voice floated up to the tree house and in through the tiny window.
But Obi-Wan and Padme, still tangled together on the floor, were too busy kissing to hear him.