
May 26, 2009 00:05

03:26 I'm bombing the thinking machine SOON. #

03:56 @ hellokimmy it is ;) And I'm on repeat from time to time, amazingly, it gives me new insights every single time. Ha! #

03:57 Mayonnaise + Mustard + Chili Sauce + dan lain-lain lagi. #

19:34 I hate 7 but I think 7 is in love with me. Mahai. #

19:37 @ pandamerv @obimeowz oh I love the Jew. And the E ;) As for OC, I only liked the first season. #

19:43 RT @obimeowz: @pandamerv @hellokimmy oh I love the Jew. And the E ;) As for OC, I only liked the first season. #

19:58 "Helly Feiy" #

20:23 Wah you miss the "K" terus you get the "H". Scandalous & bahaya at the same time. #

20:53 It's confirmed. Well I'm just gonna be glad that she's made you a better person. #

21:17 Damn you interesting people! Fascinate me like that. #

21:56 @ macbuton new place? Finally moved? Where ponie? #

22:00 Mr Indica you should smile more often in your photos. #

22:14 @ macbuton where is that ar? #

23:21 Wah I never thought she'd roll such good ones, impressive ;) #

23:29 For Mal who's hung up over a girl he met last night and forgot to ask for her name & number: bit.ly/ds3qq #

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