Jun 13, 2005 01:27

well i found out im pregnant Ryan im affraid its yours tell ronni im sorry lmao i had mucho fun the last two weeks me and ryan drove around and ate tacos and played yugio it was pretty fun i miss ya buddy my cousin nathan came over and we broke another skoard wich sucked cause it was the koolest one so far lol um i started talking to a beautiful and sweet girl named brittany and im just being nice no worries im not an ass hole she has a bf um robyn was talking to me at the movies and hasnt talked to me for todays now lol damn i knew i was ugly j/p i floated around the pond behind my house in a storage container i think i got amibas.... dum dum dum lol. no really my testicals swole to four times thier normal size look (. . thats them )hehe sorry im bored me and nathan rode bikes from my house to the pc skate park for those of u who dont know how far that is there and back its about 35 or 34 miles and it took us three hours and 20 dollars in drinks lol. the wierdo found turtle eggs coming out of a squished turtle rapped them in his shirt and left it in front of eb games lol. well love u all and good night.....
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