The mind boggles. I'll have to type up how the Jeff thing started, but I still am not quite sure how it got perpetuated.
Also, this group of 13-14 year olds from CT is different than the other group of 13-14 year olds from CT that harassed me in the past (the last incident was the one with the kid I posted about earlier) which is from Canton, CT, population 1600; I'm not quite sure where this other group is located.
Now then, Jeff, don't be such a pooty-parper. All the pimply youth's after is some girl's hotmail address. Why don't you just do the decent thing and give him what he wants?
Comments 4
Also, this group of 13-14 year olds from CT is different than the other group of 13-14 year olds from CT that harassed me in the past (the last incident was the one with the kid I posted about earlier) which is from Canton, CT, population 1600; I'm not quite sure where this other group is located.
All the pimply youth's after is some girl's hotmail address.
Why don't you just do the decent thing and give him what he wants?
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