Jun 16, 2006 20:21
OMG the funniest thing happened to me a couple of hours ago, and I just had to share.
I picked up Lucas and Alysha (the two kids I babysitt) from music school and I was driving them home along South Road. For those that don't know South Road is Massive! It streatches from the city all the way down to the tip of the Fleureu Penninsular (about an hours drive) Anyway, needless to say, it is one of the busiest 'highways' we have this side of town. You would never guess what should go wandering across the road? A Koala. A KOALA!!! What the hell is with that?! It was soooo funny.
This little Koala, just waltzing on across 4 lanes of traffic, without a care in the world "La De Da". A couple of people attempted to pull over and catch it, but stopping in the middlee of a main road like that is not an easy thing to do, it slowed everyone up for a while, but it seemed to wadder over there safetly.
I think the funniest thing about it, is that in Australia you often hear people from overseas who think that you quite often see Koalas and Kangaroos all over the place, and crossing main roads. And now I cant deny either, because I have seen it with my own eyes! Very strange. But incredibaly funny
...I hope he was ok...he seemed to be heading for the expressway...not good