hope everyone had a good x-mas... present wise mine was good. but not so people wise. right now i am having a fucking pity party for myself...grr today when i got home from hanging out with ashleigh i went to square one of the thinking checker board. how come i over analyze things? how come i see signals that arn't there?lots of questions... i dont much feeling like writeing much more..just a survey i guess.
in 2005 I've...
{X} broken a promise
{X} made a new friend
{X} fallen in love
{ } fallen out of love
{X} done something you swore never to do
{X} lied
{ } stole
{X} went behind your parents back
{X} cried over a broken heart
{X} dissapointed someone close
{X} hidden a secret
{X} pretended to be happy
{ } got arrested
{ } kissed in the rain
{ } slept under the stars
{ } kept your new years resolution
{X} forgot your new years resolution
{X} met someone who changed your life
{ } met one of your idols
{X} changed your outlook on life
{X} sat home all day doing nothing
{X} pretended to be sick
{X} left the country
{ } almost died
{X} given up something important to you
{ } lost something expensive
{X} learned something new about yourself
{ } tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it
{X} made a change in your life
{X} found out who your true friends were
{X} made a total fool of yourself
{X} met great people
In the beginning of 2005...
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope.
How old were you? 14
What was your outlook on the world? ehh
How were you doing at school/your job? pretty good
What did you most look forward to? not much
Did you make New Year's Resolutions? yeah, but i dont remember them
What was your biggest worry? my personality...still is
Who was your best friend? andrea
What did you do with your spare time? cant remember
What did you do for fun? hang with friends probably
In the middle of 2005...the summer!
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
Had your outlook on the world changed? no
What did you spend your summer doing? texas drivers training..what not
Did you get tan? No
Who'd you hang out with, mainly? lyssa...and i dont remember much of the summer
Did you go visit anywhere? texas
What was the most fun event that happened? not sure
And as the year drawns to an end...
Still got a significant other? yeah
How old are you? 15...not for long thought
What major changes have happened since the year began? got a bf that i love, personality changes, changes in friends, perspective changes
Is your life any different from when it started this year? indeed, quite a bit
What thing that happened stands out in your mind? nothing really
How have you changed? a lot of different perspectives on people, things, and me
What was the most embarrassing moment? unsure
When was your lowest point? summer, no doubt on that one
Are you happy with how the year went? yeah
What thing would you change if you could? not sure, oh so much to pic from
For 2006...
What do you plan to not do that you did this year? less stupidity
Do you think it'll be better than this year? maybe
Do you think it'll be WORSE than this year? no
What do you plan to do next year? live life to it's fullest
What are your pre-New Year's resolutions? dont have one yet
Who are you spending New Year's Eve with?no idea
those answers are dumb on account of i am in a bad mood at the moment...not that many people will actually look at it