just a bit wrong in the head, my dear. . .

Jan 02, 2009 10:24

ok. Now I am the kind of gal Hank Hill would say is "just ain't right" (OMG spell check passes Ain't but doesnt know the word Beleaguered? WTF?) I have always reveled in this. My mother calls it "just trying to do the exact opposite of what ever I would do!", but I enjoy pissing her off so I said "Yeah riiiiggghhht". But one thing that she has taught me is that IN ALL THINGS the kids come first. I had them on New Years, so that meant that my New Years Eve was Lydi, Bobby and I making Hot Cocoa, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and watching Transformers over and over again. Not ALL of the movie, mind you. Just the robot parts because "The rest is just BORING mommie!" according to my nearly 4 year old son. Then we watched Growing Up Creepie, a Discovery Kids show about a goth girl who was raised by bugs. And Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. My daughter begged to watch Nightmare before Christmas again, but instead we watched James and the Giant Peach. All in all a good time was had. The only problem????

Earlier that morning, me being a tard did what tards DO and tripped over a rug at work and royally screwed up my back. Had to go to the er and shit even. The problem, instead of giving me some Vicodin (which would have knocked me on my ASS!!!) they gave me a muscle relaxer. And told me to take Motrin. WTF? But I feel much better today anyways. I had taken a Flexoril last night and took a bath, and woke up at 3 am when the bathwater nearly froze my favorite bits off. S, needless to say I am in rare fucking form at work today.

Pam asked me what was going on, and I said "as in?" meaning with me/with the business/with your fucking files/what? She looked at me and said "Whats wrong?" nothing, I am peachy fucking keen. The she tells angeline and I to take down all the Xmas decorations while she gets her nails done. I am REALLY regreting the fact that Angeline and I whored up her office so much. 3000 pipe cleaners, various ornaments, and sundries took us mucho tiempo. ahh well.
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