I have discovered that, among other things, I am a BITCH

Dec 17, 2008 11:42

Sometimes you see things that make you sit up and go WTF?!?!?!

Today at work I got a call while I was IMing a friend (yeah, I IM at wurk, so sue me) I am the point of reference for my place of employment. In other words I am the Jill of All Duties at a Temp agency/Secretarial service. I get to see a LOT of srsly fuked hup shite. Well, I took a call from one of my minions (I like that word better than Temps, has a saucier feel to it!) Hell, I digressed yet again, Man I am bad about that.

Well, the cal, I am getting to it. I get a call from a Minion. She says that she cant go into work today at MD C's office. Because her car was stolen. Now, I full admit that I am pretty fucked up. As soon as I hung up the phone I IMed my friend and said basically that S.'s car had been stolen. I was laughing my ass off. The sad part? She was planning on moving today , so all her shit was in the back of her truck bed (covered of course). I nearly laughed myself sick at her. My friend called me "Evil" and I referred him to my most beloved website www.evilkicksass.com and he even laughed at some of the shit there. So I end up having to inspect a jobsite, and sign off. I am driving in the Shortbus (my monster red Minivan of Doom) and I get a call from S. on my cell that she IS going in her mother is going to drive her. That made me laugh so hard I nearly hit another car.

The backlog on S. She is a 50-something woman with MAJOR medical Office Manager experience. She is SO friendly and nice and I got her that job. She has only called in sick once (Due to massive amounts of body fluids evacuating through her oral cavity) and she has an Altzheimer's ridden father that she cares for, and her mother is none to well either. Now, she has a seriously fuked up homelife, and is JUST NOW able to move out from her parents house because they got homecare. She is moving in to her new diggs today, or at least that WAS the plan.

so, I inspect the jobsite and all, and then it hit me. . . I AM SUCH A BITCH!

Here I sit in my office, every day, and watch the Ambulances and cops and Firemen go by at the very least once a day (Most was about 10, average is about 5), I see people that are at the bottom, just wanting a leg up, and all I can do is laugh at them? WTF?!?!?

I know I have it bad.  But seriously????  Not as bad, or even NEAR as bad as some I see here in my office.  Like Beast Porn Lady.  We had a woman test in one of our offices and run out really quickly beofre I could stop her.  I was checking the browser on the laptop in that office and what do I see???  She was searching Beast Porn on the internets. SRSLY.  I mean, how much does it suck to be SO addicted to beast porn that you search it on a computer where you are applying for a job????  My life isnt THAT fucked.

And then I see things like the thing in the newspaper a while back.  A guy got so pissed off at his 5 year old Daughter having an accident in bed, he picked her up and THREW her into the tiled shower, turned on the cold water, and then threw her back into bed.  He then went out on his paper route, came back home a few hours later, and she was dead.  Blunt force trauma to the head from being thrown into the tile wall of the shower.  WTF?!?!?

And my daughter's classmate.  His mother left him and his 18 motnth old brother in the care of a 16 year old.  FOR A FEW WEEKS.  The baby was crying so the 16 year old "Whupped him til he shut up".  Baby died due to severe beating.  Little boy in my daughter's class is now in the custody of CPS.  ANd his "awesome mother " (sarcasm) had to be called by the cops and escorted back to town.  She was living the high life in San Franscisco.  WTF!?!?!?

Am I just so used to seeing the Bad Side that I am immune to the pain of others?  When did I get to be SUCH A BITCH?!?!
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