Nov 12, 2005 09:31
I stole this from my friend, Lauren's livejournal. Of course, I steal all my profile fodder from her, but it holds eerily true.
You might have been a Catholic School girl if...
1. You mastered the art of cheating and cramming
2. One word: Kairos (or some other sort of hardcore retreat)
3. At one time, you liked your uniform
4. You got kicks outta being able to wear your PJs to school
5. You had a way of making yourself look so innocent when everyone knows that you really aren't
6. It cost you 100 bucks to park in the school parking lot
7. Everyone hugged each other to greet people
8. You know of or have heard stories of people getting it on in the chapel.
9. You're blonde, once were, wish you were, or just act like it
10. You violated as many dress codes as possible and when you get caught, you pretended that you 'didn't know'
11. You knew every single person you went to school with
12. At least one of your friends thought that she was pregnant by junior year
13. You have NO problem joking around about being a lesbian
14. You spent many a religion class listening to your teacher preach about the Church's take on premarital sex, abortion, and the death penalty
15. You SERIOUSLY don't know how to shut up
16. "Remember whens" are your specialty
17. At least one of your friends names are Jess, Katie, Megan, or Lauren
18. Guys ask you if you still have your uniform and if you would wear it for them
19. Your skirts stopped fitting, but were too cheap/lazy to buy new ones, so you just pinned them
20. Shaving your legs was optional, because you had to wear tights
Strange that people had the exact same experiences as you simply based on where they attended high school. And we readily described ourselves as "Catholic school girls" and we all know what that entails. Last week on the way to bowling, my description as a human being came up. I am basically defined as being from Ohio and a bio major, and for those of you who know...well, the Catholic school girl and the over achiever.
Lately, I have just felt incredibly generic; there isn't a original bone in my body. I am just a carefully crafted puzzle of different identities. I am the person to be made fun ofto relieve stress. I am the conscience. I am the overachiever. I am the worrier.
And right now, I am just incredibly overwhelmed. I need home to regroup, re-prioritize, and find out how I really want to be defined.