GJD-Georgie Only

Mar 06, 2005 14:36

For those of you who dont know what GJD stands for it is, Georgie, Jake, and Dallas, also meaning Gut Jungen Aus Duetchland(Good Boys from Germany). This name was founded by Georgie Only(me), while Jake, Dallas, and myself were getting high, and drawing.

Georgie Only-Bass
Dallas Spegal-Guitar
Jake Glunk-Drums

Quotes of GJD and slogans,
That Aint Right!,
Outta Control!,
Idealism Isnt a Crime!!(newly produced by me)

We've made lots of songs(mostly just funny shit), one about Harley(Dallas' little bro) about getting his red wings. Jake and I made a rap about this girl at our school with a fucked up arm, another one Whitey J and Whitey G, if you dont like use we'll fucking piss on your nee.
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