can't begin to explain, the feelings I have restrained.

Aug 05, 2004 18:47

To clear some confusion, I'm tired of those who are messing up my life by even trying to contact me. I'm not your doormat, if you never understood it at all, I hope you do now. If I never have raised my voice at you, yelled at you, or whatever, I don't care the situation. I'm not your doormat to walk on, or your placemat to leave your crap when you're done. I have feelings too. Just like how you would feel if you left a million messages and not get a response back. I don't want to hear it. You would feel bad too. You would feel ignored if the person you were talking to stops responding, goes away, doesn't have an away message, or goes idle. Or just plain ignores you.

I'll just say it once, good riddance the handful is gone. No one needs to be treated badly, no one should feel ignored by their own friends. That's not what friends are. At least have the decency to lie, and say you're away or something. I don't care, do something, change. It's stupid to ignore a flashing IM on the side of your screen that continues to blink, I don't want to tolerate being ignored, I don't think you would want to either. So please, do us all a favor and just not start conversations if you plan on going away every five seconds for a very long extended time, without an away, or going idle. It'll help the world. "I recognize your IM, I just don't want to respond right now." is another one of those peeves, at least you would have the decency to say that you're busy or something, so the person doesn't feel completely ignored. I'm sure that if you walked up to someone, and they just walked away from you when you were in the middle of a conversation, you'd feel at least semi-bad. Don't bullshit me.

You don't deal with it, and have to put up with it, and neither should I.

Can't begin to explain,
The feelings I have restained.
Don't ask me how I am,
Because you're too busy planning your epitaph.
Let me tell you..

Don't try to be the one person who has stayed,
Just to say they never left me.
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