May 30, 2005 22:01
Today was and ok day...Ipretty much got up, took a shower, and went to the parade, I marched with those HUGE ass tritoms, and it wa wicked hott...they made me take 2 breaks, and I wanted one, but w.e...but when i got to elm street i took them off and like DIED!!! I have bruses adn shit where the harnes hurts so0o bad rihjt now, but o0o well...Then after the parade Alyssa and I walked to Pine street and met my mom and went home, we ate, and i took a shower adn then we naped for 3 hours until Kyle adn Dan<3 came over, but alyssa had to leave at like 4:30 when seh was suppose to leavea t 9, well kyle and dan got here at like 4:00 so0o kyle was upset, but me kyle and dan chilled and kyle tryed out my drums, i felt so0o bad tho csaue he was left out csaue me adn dan we like there and cuddling and stuff nad he was alone...but we still had fun, we went on a walk and then went in my 2 story club house. It was fun, and im suppose 2 be packing ofr gettysburg but my cloths are drying so0o yeah, im going to gettysburg until friday!!! WOOT so0 excited i get to go, i ddint hink i was gunne be able to go csaue of my grades but i get to go so0o YAY...but i wont be able to see adny of my other friends for like 4 days, and noe Dan<3 for 4 days...but hopefuly today wil ty him over for 4 days!!!! I LOVE today was fun, Kyle, Me,ALyssa and DAn gotta chill again!!! it was fun!!! I LOVE YOU 3!!! Well im gunna go...i wont updaet til after gettysburg, and im sure i will ahve a lot to say!!! ;-)!!! I WILL MISS ALL OF YOU!!! DAN I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU ALREADY!!!