Postgres roadmap - to be or not to be.

May 16, 2016 16:55

We published Postgres Professional roadmap, which we want to discuss at the PgCon 2016 Developer Meeting. I think it's important to have an official roadmap of postgres community, both for developers (companies and individuals) and customers. Also, I think that releases should be more predictable ("programmable"), at least major features should be known in advance. I don't know, how it should works, but we want at least to rise the problem.

Why do we bother about roadmap at all ?

Postgres has no roadmap:

PostgreSQL is a non-commercial, all volunteer, free software project, and as such there is no formal list of feature requirements required for development. We really do follow the mantra of letting developers scratch their own itches.

Instead, we have Todo list, but it says nothing to customers.

At the same time, Postgres is of great interest to Russia, since it provides real alternative to Oracle, which currently dominates corporate market (have you read read Oracle's letter to Russain IT-companies ?). Russian companies (goverment and commercial), which consider migration from Oracle to Postgres, are evaluating postgres features and looking for postgres roadmap. They are demanding not only enterprise features like Enterprise Manager, tools for easy migration of data and procedures to postgres, but also features they needs to plan their future development. It's clear, that migration of very big and complex system of large corporation is the question of not only current operational functionality. That's why Postgres Professional has developed it's roadmap and as a member of postgres community is looking for help from other postgres companies and individual developers to synchronize "the wathches".

It's era of Enterprise Postgres, at the end !

ppg, pg, pgen, pgpro

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