reply to vendo_rep who doesnt lst me as a friend *it's ok though, hes not a listed friend to me yet

May 20, 2005 22:37

this is a reply to ben *vendor_rep* for his post on May 20th: hey ben, sorry it's was kinda weird for a while, i think people just didnt know what to make of the whole situation back with nates house, and i think they felt it was time for you to move out for other reasons than the money thing which i think was a bad call without proof of any such action on yours or anybody's part. but with people claiming you took my camera, concider this; of the five people there, i hung out with jon a lot prior to that night, i had known taylor since seventh grade, jace and i had been great friends by this time, and cindy was someone i had gotten to know well in drama aswell. now i knew you, in fact i've known of you since seventh or eighth grade and didnt meet you til music man, but even over the semester of acting classes we had together and kinda first meeting you in the musical all i knew about you was that you were a nice guy, i didnt really know you, so in all and with taylor stealing the camera from me (unfortunately for his and my close friendship) and him being over when i was looking for the camera after it was stolen, while going through the list of potential thieves, you were thrown in because of stepping away from the game to go down the hall to use the bathroom and cuz you left to get your dad the car, it just was a possible scenario that had to be taken into concideration, but none the less couldnt be proved nor disproved. i was never going to blame you for something you couldnt be proven guilty for, which is why i was never like "i hate ben, i dont want to be around him" so now that the matter with my camera is in the proccess of being resolved, your name is completely cleared of any wrong doing as far as i'm concered. you just happened to be the less known person at all the wrong places.
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