Aug 04, 2011 18:09
So, I was going through some of my old entries, thinking, "What was my first entry like?"
HO SHIT. It was full of fucking angst. Going through some more, I found that all of them were just full of bitchin' and whining. Ugh. They were kind of painful to read. And if I wasn't whining about something, then it was a ridiculously childish post. Now, to be fair, this was about five years ago, but still. I liked to think that I was a bit more mature in high school, so that must mean either: a) I was not as mature as I thought I was, and was really no better than other kids my age or b) I really was more mature than most kids my age which can only lead me to worry about what other kids my age were whining about. If it's b, then God help us all. And it's a--which I'm kind of hoping that it wasn't--then I would like to apologize for anyone who had to read--although, it was willing, so maybe you were just a glutton for punishment--that angsty, self-involved drivel.
Although, I still kind of do that now, don't I? It's probably because I really only post when I'm upset about things or aggraveted. And since those are my only posts, I probably look like I'm extremely unhappy all the time. I'm really not. I quite enjoy life, even I have the strong desire to kill people all the time. Maybe I should start posting happier things. OMG--new goal: start posting everyday with something random and boring and try not to be angry. (Yeah, that is SO not going to last, lol.) Or maybe I could post things of the political nature and try to be involved in something.
...yeah, no.
old posts