...if I were a McCain supporter, after viewing his performance last night and over the last week, I would be running to vote for Ron Paul or a third-party candidate.
I don't know that, if I were someone who basically agreed with Republicans on social or financial issues, that I would be frustrated enough with McCain to completely switch sides and
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I would be libertarian but I think the government needs to regulate the market to keep other parties from imposing distortions (monopolies, trusts, etc), and I like a certain amount of progressive recycling. Plus I'm very pro-environment and think it needs special protections, but *reasonable* ones that work with people and not against them (ie, the current Endangered Species Act makes it in people's best interest to preemptively destroy habitat before endangered species can re-colonize :P
Health care I'm ambivalent on... I think socialized and (regulated) capitalist systems both have pros and cons; but I think the current system is the worst of both words and needs to change. Obama's plan seems more solid than McCain's.
2nd amendment, I do differ, I would actually be interested in mandating concealed-carry to be allowed everywhere public. (private places, like bars, conventions, etc, ought have a "gun check" because it's only reasonable not to bring them where sensibilities might be impaired or passions inflamed)
I don't think the 2nd amendment applies to, say, tanks and warheads, but besides hunting I believe handguns can be very valuable for personal defense. The police, usually, *cannot* act until after a crime has been committed. While I think martial arts is generally better for self defense (cannot be taken away from you or used against you, more options available like "controlling" your opponent vs injuring them) the fact is that even if guns were outlawed, dedicated criminals could still obtain guns, somehow, and even the best martial artist cannot counter a gun out of reach. If the police are allowed them, I want to ( ... )
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