"Earlier this year, Ohio election officials sent notices marked "Do not forward" to the state's registered voters, alerting them to the March primary. To the surprise of voting rights activists, 573,444 notices were returned as undeliverable in five counties alone, including the urban areas of Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati." -- from today's Los Angeles Times. For the full article that examines potential chaos on Election Day in a few key states, including Ohio and Florida, click
Battle brewing in Ohio over voting-record discrepancies.
New Yorker Magazine has a feature article by Philip Gourevitch about Palin in its September 20th issue. To read it, click
The State of Sarah Palin: The peculiar political landscape of the Vice-Presidential hopeful.
Yahoo! News is running an Associated Press article today that indicates about one-third of white Democrats have negative views of blacks, in general, that will likely affect their vote in November. See
Poll: Racial views steer some white Dems away from Obama.