"Palin never in Iraq, campaign now says"

Sep 14, 2008 01:14

From CNN

* Story Highlights
* New details emerge on Gov. Sarah Palin's foreign travels
* Campaign now says she didn't visit troops in Iraq, only the border
* Questions surround the crowd size of a McCain-Palin event in Virginia
* John McCain gets grilled on "The View" while defending Palin

text of article under here )

gov. sarah palin, iraq, sarah palin, fact check, foreign policy

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embers_log September 14 2008, 06:12:41 UTC
Yeah, I should totally be Vice President! I've been to Mexico, Canada, Spain, India, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Turkey, and Greece! Plus I've had a passport since I was 22 years old!


I'll be the judge of that... saintless September 14 2008, 06:34:26 UTC
hmmmmm, what's the longest period of time your parents have ever grounded you?
Pabst or Sierra-Nevada?
What are your thoughts on Iran, conventional or nuclear war-heads?


mollywobbles867 September 14 2008, 07:06:11 UTC
Pfft. I've had a passport since I was 17. This obviously means I should be president and you should be my VP. Duh. lol


squinting_kitty September 14 2008, 07:14:34 UTC
*bows to your obviously superior foreign policy experience*

Perhaps I can be in your cabinet? I'm your best friend, really. *wink* I don't know anything about federal spending, but perhaps I could work in the Treasury? *wink wink* C'mon. I'm your old pal!


mollywobbles867 September 14 2008, 07:48:57 UTC
Absolutely! I'm also going to hire that guy from 11th grade English class whose name were the initials for a sexual act. He'll be the head of my new department for sexual activity regulation. All those weird sex laws on the books will totally be enforced on my watch. Now, I'm going to go eat a mooseburger.

P.S. I've also ridden on the Chunnel, which means I'm a transportation systems expert.


nochenne September 14 2008, 15:11:03 UTC
Whatevs. I trump all of you. I've had a passport since I was 9. This means I should be Supreme Commander of the World. Never heard of it? Shows how much you know.


PS: Love your LJ name!


bishsticks September 14 2008, 16:10:00 UTC
I've had my passport since I was 2. Does that make me God?


plumtreeblossom September 14 2008, 18:30:42 UTC
Yeah, well I got a passport and had it so long that it was about to expire, so I renewed it and they sent me back the old one with the new one, so now I have TWO passports! The Universe I Rule, Let Me Show You It.


bishsticks September 14 2008, 19:14:56 UTC
Actually, I have two passports. One American and one Australian. :)


plumtreeblossom September 14 2008, 20:56:01 UTC
You are my President! :-)


squinting_kitty September 14 2008, 07:08:03 UTC
Plus I've had a passport since I was 22 years old!

Zomg! ME TOO! (I'm still 22...)


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