Writer's Block: Sharing is Caring

Mar 31, 2008 22:02

 Embarassing moments. Seriously. Why is the icebreaker always, "Turn to someone next to you and tell them your most embarassing moment,"?! Who wants to share that? I have a feeling I'm not the only one who makes things up in those situations. I do not want other people to know my most embarassing moment! Why do teachers and other leaders always think that will help break the ice? I think it just makes everyone more uncomfortable around their classmates because the whole time they're sitting there thinking, "I should never have told him that. Now he's going to tell all his friends and pretty soon the whole school will know that I..."

There are plenty of other icebreakers out there that are much more amusing and not as awkward. People don't have to know your deepest darkest secrets in order to feel like they know you.

sharing is caring, writer's block

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