Jul 27, 2005 22:48
Behold, I have surfaced. At least for now. If you really want me to stay, those "Top 5" Surveys you guys were doing seem interesting. Go ahead and challenge me and maybe I'll even answer. Repeats from others' journals are fine, since there were indeed a lot of good ones. Heck, if you comment, you first have to tell me your top 5 favorite fruits.
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Movie Quotes (I have so many. I guess I'll list the ones that come to me first)
5. "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy" -MP's Life of Brian
4. "I have ice in my glass" -Cast Away
3. "I cannot leave these people here to die" -Hotel Rwanda
2. "Make 'em Laugh" -Singin' in the Rain
1. "Come with me and you'll see a world of pure imagination" & "If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it" -Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Movies (this will forever be changing and I don't think it's fair to limit it to just 5. 50 or so would be better for me, but for the sake of time, some movies that I guess are worth noting here...)
5. Breakfast Club
4. MP's Holy Grail (the movie I've probably seen the most times)
3. Cast Away (with Tom Hanks)
2. Singin' in the Rain
1. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Amusing Songs not by Weird Al (there are many. here are a few)
5. Carrot Juice is Murder
4. Why Does the Sun Shine?
3. If I Had a Million Dollars
2. Shaving Cream
1. Star Wars Cantina
Scemes to take over the world
5. Slowly expanding hostage situation leading to recruitment of trustworthy individuals to my "side" (first the hallway, then the dorm, then campus, then Ohio, then the world!)
4. Buy out all the bottled water companies and then sell liters for $20 a pop. Claim to do this until they grant me complete control. Then continue doing it.
3. Ill-tempered mutated sea bass teamed up with sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!
2. My coveted tuna salad.
1. Watch and rewatch Pinky and the Brain until I come up with something worthy of being #1 on this list.
Pinball (you have my best high scores on your computer, but here are the ones I have)
5. 5693250
4. 7436250
3. 8596750
2. 8630750
1. 9806250
Strong Bad E-mails (forgive me, but I couldn't narrow it down to just 5 without mentioning some others. Here's the top 10 I came up with)
(note: Virus, Dragon, Japanese Cartoon, Guitar, and Techno are disqualified since to me it seems that they are the most consistently popular emails anyway.)
10.For Kids
9. The Process
8. Flag Day
7. Labor Day
6. Some Kinda Robot
5. Caper
4. Caffeine
3. Morning Routine
2. Stunt Double & Dangeresque 3 (c'mon, they go together)
1. Different Town
Thanks to you and Bobo, I have now spent the last 2 hours on this. It's after 1AM and I need to work tomorrow, so off to bed I go!
But yeah, thanks guys. It was fun :)
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