Nov 30, 2011 15:19
Last night I dreamed that Debby and I lived in beautiful apartment with two huge balconies and, unfortunately, electrical problems. While the building maintenance guys were in the apartment investigating the latter, I went for a walk around the multi-building complex. It was a sunny day, and several people were about, including a young woman wearing adult braces and nothing else. I said hi and tried not to stare when we passed, as one does in these situations. She replied with a shy metallic smile and a somewhat embarrassed hi back, though she soldiered on without trying to hide or cover herself.
That made me wonder, after she'd passed by, whether she was having a naked-in-public dream. This would make me a figment of her imagination, I realized, just a shadowy figure in her dream. That thought gave me pause. Cogito ergo sum is cold comfort at such a moment, so I stopped to consider my own sense of reality. I was rather alarmed to discover my current situation didn't feel very much like waking reality at all. I never quite made the leap of logic to a fully lucid dream, wherein I knew I was dreaming.
Then I woke up and felt fully real again. Although I can't help but wonder, just a little, if my dream didn't brush up against someone else's....