Never rains but it pours ...

Jul 05, 2012 14:59

My grandmother fell out of bed and spent 24 hours on the floor of her bedroom last Saturday. She never pressed her emergency button in case the people on the other end broke down her front door and wrecked it to get to her. Instead, she waited until my mother's daily phonecall - the next morning. My mother, father, little sister and I all rushed from the Midlands to the Wirral where she lives (around 70 miles of very winding and circuitous roads for those not from the UK).  She went to hospital (note: the additional seats they provide for family members in ambulances have NO arms so you WILL be thrown around like a sack of coal on a collier's shoulder). They sent her home, but now she's really ill with digestive problems that have left her dehydrated and looking so frail and small I'm scared she's going to die. I've bitched about her here on LJ no end of times since my grandfather died and her personality did a 180 but still ... she's my Nana and I'm frightened of losing that last connection to a past and a side of the family I don't really know, even after being on the planet 28 years. I'm even more terrified of what it would/will do to my mother if she loses her mammy as well as her dad. My mum has a heart condition called atrial fibrillation that periodically stops her heart or gives her such wild palpitations she can't even stand up or move around without truggling to breathe. Add diabetes and missing kneecaps from a botched operation a few years ago and she's nowhere near strong enough to cope with her mammy's death. Especially since my middle sister's anti-depressants, prescribed a few months ago to help her cope with her depression after she and her partner of five years broke up, have given HER palpitations and neural/nerve problems as well. Add to that my little sister just found out she passed uni with a 2:2 instead of the 2:1 she was predicted and I've managed to slash the soles of both feet so it's really difficult to walk without crying or bleeding into my socks so I leave bloody footprints on the floor and... yeah.

I'm not devout or even very well-versed in religion by any stretch of the imagination, but if anyone out there fancies saying a prayer for my loved ones, I wouldn't say no.

real life, health, angst, family

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