Scrib!Fic: Intervention (YGO - Yuugi/Anzu) Co-written with cypsiman2

Jan 22, 2012 09:47


The Interfics Forum has produced its very first complete fanfic! Therefore, like the shameless person I am, I shall pimp it! Muchly!


It's possible watching the entire run of YuGiOh! Abridged for three days has affected the accent and inflections of my internal monologue.

Attention, flisters! cypsiman2and I have co-written some Peachshipping (Yuugi/Anzu) fic we would like to share, so hope on over to his FFN portfoilo and take a peek.

Title:  Intervention
Word Count: 13,941
Rating: K+
Genres: Romance/Humour
Pairing: Anzu/Yuugi, Jounouchi/Mai
Summary:Yuugi and Anzu's friends have had enough of waiting around for them to finally confess their feelings for one another, and so they stage interventions for them to kick them onto the right track. Romantic comedy hijinks follow.


"Hun, you're a good kid and you've got a strong will." Mai said, drinking something that she was not likely to share with a pair of teenagers. "But when it comes to romance, you're too shy and nervous for your own good."
"Wha, what?" Anzu's face turned beat red in an instant.

"I think Mai is right, Anzu." Shizuka said with an easy smile. "You and Yuugi would make such a wonderful couple, you've just got to let him know how you feel."

Anzu starred blankly, unable to form a cogent response.

"You're kidding, right?" Anzu gave a weak laugh. It cut about as much ice as a soap hacksaw. "You're not kidding."

"Not a kidding matter, chickadee." Mai took another sip and gestured with her glass. "I'll admit, I'm not exactly Numero Uno when it comes to doing the whole 'love confession' thing." Making air quotes with her fingers nearly made her spill her drink, so she placed it elegantly on the coffee table and steepled her hands beneath her chin. "But the fact of the matter is that me? Late bloomer. Still bloomed, though. Did the whole 'finding myself' shtick , figured out some key facts, hopped on my bike, zoomed back here and … well, you know the rest."

Anzu did, much to her chagrin. Jounouchi had worn the biggest grin in the world for a week after Mai's return. Not even the thought that in three weeks they would all be jetting to Egypt, to an unknown future and an even more unknown past for the Pharaoh, had been enough to dim its wattage.

Shizuka was less overt in her explanation. "We just want you to be happy, Anzu," she said softly. "You're our friend. You deserve happiness more than anyone else I know - present company excluded, of course."

Mai nodded. "Happiness. Very important. Difficult, though. Hence, the intervention."

"Intervention?" Anzu echoed. "Is that what this is? I thought I was being asked over to bake cookies together."

"You seriously bought that?" Mai said in surprise. "No offense, sweetheart, but your cooking stinks worse than my insoles."

interfics, peachshipping, ygo, fanfic, scrib!fic, yuugi/anzu

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