May 15, 2011 23:56
So, I'm bricking it. I have a meeting tomorrow with my headmistress and several members of the local education authority about my performance. Not a good meeting, either. Apparently having a bit of a weep the day you find out your mum's proposed heart operation might kill her, your dad has broken his hip and your grandmother is 'just waiting to die' (her words) makes you a welfare case. Added to that, my 'standard of discipline in the classroom' is lacking (I was attacked recently when the government's education cuts got rid of the anger management classes one of my more truculent students DESPERATELY needs), but instead of telling my Head of Department so we can sort it internally, they've summoned me to this meeting without her. Given that this type of thing is what started and eventually resulted in my colleague being ousted three weeks ago, I'm well and truly panicked right now.
real life,
snakepit of fucking fucktards,