Meme: Alphbetical Amazement

Dec 23, 2010 22:42

Imported from meredydd!

This is a meme. It works like this: If you'd like to play, leave a comment. I'll give you a letter. Then you post ten words beginning with that letter in your journal and explain why they're important enough to make the cut.

meredydd gave me the letter U.

1.     Ugli Fruit - I have never tasted one, but the name has always appealed. In my more random moments, in which I wonder about things nobody should wonder about, on account of how ridiculously uskless they are, I wonder whether all the other fruits (who apparently couldn’t spell) got together and renamed this tangerine/grapefruit hybrid in an act of fruity discrimination against its mixed heritage.

2.     Utopia - I would like this to exist someday. It won’t, since it relies on humankind, who don’t have the greatest track record at looking out or after each other, but it’d be nice.

3.     Username - You pick your own and, if you get the right one, it can tell the world about your sense of humour, your soul, your imagination, your political context, your hopes, your dreams and your general personality. Or it could just tell people you’re the 9876TH person to think some anime character is HAWT!

4.     Umbrella - I live in the UK. You own at least three of these if you’re wise. You lose at least three the day it rains if you’re me.

5.     Unutterable - No special reason for this, I just love using it in conversation.

6.     Underwear - I admit, I love shopping for novelty underwear at Christmas. Ann Summers is brilliant for a giggle (in addition to having some genuinely pretty things) but places like Primark also produce some good gifties. You can’t help but like somewhere that sells MEN’S underpants with the word ‘KAPOW’ in a strategic position on the rump.

7.     Unicycle - When I was a kid my mother enrolled my sisters and I on all sorts of summer courses. We’d spend a week on each at our local leisure centre, wherein we learned (amongst other things) fencing, basic flower arranging, gymnastics, drama, line dancing and (in a bizarre twist) circus skills. I never mastered the unicycle, but bloody hell, me and my bruises had an unutterably strenuous go at it!

8.     Unicorn - Peter S. Beagle may have sparked my interest, but books like Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett and Rampant by Diana Peterfreund are constantly playing with my expectations about these mythical creatures.

9.     Uvula - The little thing that hangs down in the back of your throat. Not many people know its real name, so I feel vaguely smug whenever I get to use that word in company.

10.  University - Where I learned to become who I am and hang the consequences.


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