Genesis Awards results!

Jun 20, 2009 20:18


I got two runner up places in the 2008/9 FFVII Genesis Awards! Love and Kisses, Aerith came third for Best Het Romance, and Photograph came second for Best Complete Chaptered Work (losing out only to Mengde, which is no shameful thing, as he's a fantastic writer). Also, several of the fics I nominated - East of Eden by karanguni, the sleep of the apples by spikeyboots,  Facing the Truth by Miko no Da, Prudent by chibirisuchan, and Chinaberry Tree by skystones  - also placed highly in the final list, with a couple even winning their catagories. I'm even more chuffed about that than I am of my own fics getting in.

I feel all squeebly and wibbly inside.

ffvii, genesis awards, fanfic, scrib!fic, final fantasy

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