Maybe it's because I've been reading a lot of
Something Positive recently, or maybe it's some kind of special pheramone that causes indifference and vague dissatisfaction and depression in those who inhale it, but this evening I feel really, really down. Seriously, I was just listening to an .mp3 file of the
Coca Cola Christmas theme tune that my sister sent me, and all I could think of was how threatening the lyrics are. It's like some ancient mystical cult that takes wide-eyed victims of their own innocence and sugar-cravings and sacrifices them on the altar of homogenised holiday cheer. It took a mammoth amount of energy for me just to write this journal entry, which is depressing in and of itself as it's basically an excuse for me to vomit my internal monologuing into a public forum. And since when does the Internet need more emo kids (or too-old-but-still-emo adults)? Our audience says ... "Will you please hold while I fix my not-caring reflex? It's showing under the hem of my own-shit-to-deal-with impulse."
Rather appropriate, I felt.