Okay, so, a lot of people are already aware that back in March
I survived a pretty horrific car wreck. Well, now that event has come back to bite me in the rump - literally. You see, when the car was flipping over as it flew through the air and rolled down the embankment, I was ricocheted off the roof and into the back of my chair. My skull left a noticeable dent in the celing. My spine was shunted downwards and left me with problems with my skull and coccyx (tailbone), which seemed to be getting better. That is, until last Saturday, when I stupidly went into the kitchen without slippers on, slipped, fell, and landed right on my tailbone. Walking since then has been ... interesting is one word for it. 'Wracked with pain' is a good phrase, but I'm leaning more towards 'like a shuffling old lady with clicky hips and gum stuck to her shoe'.
Cue yesterday, wherein the school I work at got the phonecall all schools dread. Yup, it was the
OfSted officer declaring his intent to come inspect the school on Wednesday. Cue my headmaster, a man who thinks in figures and dreams of pound signs, attendance scores and exam results. This man cares not a jot that as a Newly Qualified Teacher I'm not supposed to be regularly exposed to challenging classes, but have in fact been given sole responsibility for TWO of them and they're BOTH exam classes. Nope, instead of scraping some sympathy from his heel and plopping it on my weary head, he blithely informs me that one of my lessons, which he watched from the doorway, was terrible, but he's still going to recommend for the inspector to see me. Gitshittingbuggerbrain.
Cue this morning, when my back is killing me after a restless night spent hallucinating about lesson plans and inspectors. One of the kids slammed a door against my back as I'm going through it, causing me to nearly pass out and my Headof Department to send me home. yup, I, the teacher, was sent home from school because I'm ill. As it is I visited the doctor, who diagosed damage to my coccyx and my sacrililiac, so I have to start seeing a physiotherapist.
I'm 23 and I'm already more stressed and phsyically damaged than colleagues twice my age! Narf!