In the Cards by
DoraMouse Duel Monsters is a great game - but now the monsters have been accidentally endangered. And the quest to figure out what's going on is going to require more depth from the Domino City cast than they typically get credit for.
Review: Manga-fic, which is rare enough in itself and so deserves a mention. I’ve had this fic on my ‘to rec’ list for a while. Um, a couple of years, actually, but that’s by the by. I could just never figure out what to say before that would communicate the strange sense of wonder I get when I read this. It’s unfinished, which is sad, but beautifully written, which is less sad. DoraMouse coaxes all these fabulous little tones and nuances from the characters and the mundane (and not so mundane) situations they’re in - it really does remind me that while I came to this series for the big eyes and lack of anime in my life at that point, I stuck around and wriggled my way back into he fandom after a prolonged absence because … well, feck, the characters. Anzu’s reflections on how Yuugi’s mother just kind of falls by the wayside, even though she’s there and real and ohmygod I’d never before read a fic where I felt sorry for Yuugi’s mom and wanted her to play a bigger role. Nor have I written a review like this in a while, which completely abuses the italics feature of my keyboard. Plus this was the fic that made me take a step back and take another look at the nature of Jounouchi and Honda’s friendship. The writing is velvety against my brain and the characterisation is sturdy, but it's the painfully sharp insights into the gang, their relationships, their dreams and their world that resonate long after you’ve finished reading.