Obi-Wan Quixote: The Collected Works Vol. I, Chap. 2 -- Public Television Hate Mail

Jul 27, 2009 07:33

Dear Sir or Madame,

There was an error accessing your website, viz. requiring 'free' registration so you can send me your 'newsletter'. You lured me in from Google with promises of the Vegetable Gratin recipe I saw Saturday and wanted to share with my friends by sending them to your website, only to slam the door in my face just as I thought I had found it. At least put the 'paywall', as it's referred to in your website's source code, on the outside.

Thus, instead of linking my friends to your website, I'll just not mention it or your show to them. Ordering the cookbook and video offer that I thought was such a good deal when my fiancee and I watched the show Saturday afternoon is completely out of the question, as is subscribing to your magazine.

You almost certainly drive off more actual paying customers than you obtain with such shortsighted and ultimately ineffectual tactics. I strongly advise you to hire a web marketing team that actually understands how web marketing works.


Preston A. Rickwood,
Lilburn, Georgia, USA

Post Scriptum: I was mad enough to write something both vulgar and rude, but I was more interested in trying to get my actual message across rather than just vent my spleen. You lost a viewer, someone who was going to post a link to your website, and a paying customer today.

Post Post Scriptum: I still got the recipe. There's no point in free registration schemes.

Post Post Post Scriptum: You should also find new web developers. Your contact form is broken and they're using a trial version of the so-called 'paywall' software. So instead of keeping this just between us, I've decided to post it to my blog. Idiots.

The recipe I wanted from the website of the public television show in question. 'Free' registration required. Wink, wink. Try it with Herbes de Provence and a pinch of red pepper flakes instead of fresh thyme.

television, catharsis

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