Iacta Alea Est

Jun 19, 2009 08:00

I stayed up to watch the speech of Ayatollah Khamenei during Friday prayers in Iran, but he's not exactly a dynamic speaker and I drifted off for a while. I did find a helpful translation, but the money quote was posted by ProtesterHelp, "[Votes/political action] shouldn't get to a point where they lead to major differences [in the country]". The 'Supreme Leader' also apparently declared that the official results of the disputed vote was the will of the people. There's been plenty of analysis to suggest that those results are in fact not the will of the people. Tomorrow will be the true test, since according to persiankiwi, "Confirmed - Saturday Sea of Green rally - Enghelab Sq - 4pm - Mousavi, Karoubi and Khatami will attend - #Iranelection RT RT RT"

نيرو و شرافت و برادران و خواهران بود. من موفقيت شما دعا كنند.


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