Everything's a Travesty

Mar 22, 2009 18:10

Rolling Stone lays the entirety of the financial crisis out in easy-to-understand language in an important article from their April 2nd, 2009 issue entitled "The Big Takeover." If nausea develops, sit down, put your head between your knees, and repeat to yourself… Well actually, don't bother because the whole thing is completely boned. Just remember, if it sounds crazy and kind of questionable it's because you don't get it.

Post Scriptum: The Baseline Scenario is also very much worth your time.

Post Post Scriptum: Vanity Fair weighs in with the secret history of Fannie Mae in "Fannie Mae’s Last Stand".

Post Post Post Scriptum: An Economist's View of the Market for Toxic Cars which explains the some of the possible ways the government could intercede in the CDS Boondoggle.

Post Post Post Post Scriptum: Another Vanity Fair gem: "Capitalist Fools", being a history of the financial and regulatory misdeeds in Washington since the 1980s.


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