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ob1quixote December 20 2006, 02:09:44 UTC
I am sorry if you have been hurt by people who abused drugs. I certainly didn't mean to cause anyone any distress. I had intended to write an essay on the Prison-Industrial Complex, so called because many new prisons are run as for-profit business ventures, and how this ties in with the prohibition of marijuana. Sadly, I got a client call just as I was sitting down to write.

As for my position, I am utterly opposed to the so-called "War on Drugs" because I believe it serves little purpose other than to draw America further down a road that doesn't serve the people and is counter to the revolutionary spirit on which this country was founded. To my mind, the vast majority of the lives "ruined" by pot are ruined because the user winds up in prison for having some weed. I would be in favor of restricted sale of marijuana, similar to cigarettes and liquor now, with penalties commensurate with those in place for the inappropriate or dangerous use of alcohol.

I know people who can smoke a little here and there. I know people who can't get by on less than an ounce a week. Some of them are users, some abusers, and the amount consumed isn't necessarily an indicator of which is which. I have no doubt that the abuse of marijuana can make people apathetic about everything but smoking pot. However, I believe similar things could be said about alcohol, television, or even World of Warcraft.

People turn to these things for escape from a life they're already not happy with. I'm more interested in why people feel so bad that they deem it necessary to smoke themselves into oblivion, drown themselves with liquor, or vegetate in front of the television to forget about life for a while. Looking at the rate that depression diagnoses are increasing, more and more people seem to be unhappy about something they can't quite put their finger on. I think addressing the root causes of that would be a better use of the time and resources that this nation currently wastes on putting stoners in jail.


Here here!! morgnthehated December 21 2006, 06:10:55 UTC
Well said my good man! Why is it that apathetic people who smoke themselves into oblivion engage in such behavior? Upon doing some research for a speech I recently discovered that the average American works 1970 hours per week. That is more than any other country in the world, and ironically the survey didn't count those persons who worked more than one job. MJ is the worlds best muscle relaxer, and it is my belief that many people who "abuse" it do so to alleviate the stress and pain of too much work. The human body is frail, and it seems now more than ever that we are literally working ourselves to death. Who am I to begrudge someone over some pain relief when they work rediculous hours and still can't afford medical coverage to help ease their suffering?

I also agree that the government uses law enforcement not to secure its populace, but as a means of revenue generation. How many speed traps do you personally know of? In a safe driving class I was taught that speed kills, but because I am educated I can say that is an incorrect statement. The true statement would be "Sudden stops kill." I will further point out that the car was not invented to get you from point a to b, feet do that perfectly well. The car was invented to get you from point a to b FASTER. Traffic tickets given for anything other than wreckless driving or running of signs and signals are merely for profit activities by your local police organizations. If you get a ticket and they find pot in your car, you've fattened their wallets nicely.


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