5 questions people ask me

Jun 14, 2011 18:27

 I was asked 5 questions from kiska_nirpaw  comment on this and I'll ask you 5 questions

1. What got you into the fandom?
I've always pretended I was an animal. I made the user name Hyena Girl on AOL back in 1995. Furry was an easy choice. Although once I discovered it in 2000, I didn't officially join 2005 because at the time there wasn't that many awesome resources. .

2. What is favorite movie and why?
I like 2001, a Space Odyssey. It's a movie I can watch over and over again. It's long, drawn out and doesn't have much dialouge but tells an amazing story about humans as a risk taker and human evolution.

3. If you had to pick one moment in time to go back and relive, what would it be?
Hmmm, maybe now I'd go back to my first year of college since I know more now than I knew then. I could pass Chemistry.

4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I'm happy living in the States. Less laws and income taxes then just about any post-industrial country in the world. I'd love to visit New Zealand, but would not want to live there since snakes of any sort are banned (there are no snakes on the islands).

5. How did you come up with your user name?
Back in 2003 (when I created my LJ account) I was going through a horsey phase and this was the name of my Clydesdale character I came up with. 
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