So this week is actually shaping up to be better than last. thankyou, whatever deity may be out there, cause srsly, i couldn't take another train wreck like that.
my apartment is back to...i wanna say decent working order? i guess? the complex was apparently under the assumption that if you had your place sprayed for bugs once, having moved everything you own away from the walls and into the middle of the damn room, you would then of course KEEP IT ALL THERE FOR THREE WEEKS FOR WHEN THEY COME BACK.
which is ludicrous. srsly. i live in a one bedroom place with a decent amount of belongings, and there's no way in hell i could live that way for three weeks. fuck that. and i told them this, since they neglected to give me any kind of information after it was done as to whether or not i had the all clear. assholes. your wormy apologies make nothing better, especially since all of the bugs came from my stupid neighbors who brought them in then had the audacity to complain about it.
my ratties and my fish are still over at M's place and i miss them @.@
they finally fixed the ceiling fan-o-death in my breakfast nook (no, really, it sounded like the kind of fan you'd hear at the end of a horror movie where the protagonist is trying his damnedest to knock the killer into it and save the world. loud metal on metal screeching, it was amazingly terrifying.) but my dishwasher apparently needs a part ordered so that it drains correctly, and is not fixed yet. i'll take what i can get at this point.
the commissions i'm doing for this year's Asylum conventions* (note the plural) are NEARLY DONE OMGYAY. even with all the crap going on, i still managed to work my ass off for this crazy deadline and i cannot wait til i get through it. SO.CLOSE.NGGGGGGHHHH.
my writing muse has been niggling at the back of my head this whole time tho, and i fear the day she becomes impossible to ignore. one more week, that's all i ask, then i'll slash things, i promise.
my awesome boyfriend gave me Left 4 Dead 2 and i can't even touch it yet cause of all the crap i have due. ;___; May is gonna be nutz.
got an email from the guys who're sending me my first issue of the Last Unicorn comic, apologizing cause its late in coming. of which, i'm ok with this, cause i forgot i pre-ordered it to begin with. so yay for things i forgot to be annoyed with!
'Dirty Jobs' is an odd show to listen to at work more than watch. At least i have a decent constitution and am entertained enough to keep playing them tho, cause damn...ew.
but i ran out of mythbusters.
its almost May! gah, there really aren't enough non-sleeping hours in the day.
cheers to a better week.
this is my coworker, dick. dick and i are very similar in the way that we are the only people who think we're awesome and that's not really stopping us from thinking it. pardon the geekery.
Dick: that's frightening, don't ever let that exist
Me: hahahaha
Me: i'll place my vote in the god council, but i'm still quite new.
Dick: You will have sway in the council yet, E. 'Mu
Me: oh i will, but i gotta take out a few virgins first before i get my bearings...know any? any you wouldn't miss anyway...
Dick: I know none, all my friends are corrupt sinners with tainted meat
Me: damn, mine too. *sigh* its not as easy as it used to be...the fifteenth century was so simple.
Dick: yeah, they had SWORDS
Me:: and plague....that made it interesting.
Dick: hmmm, too bad you can't fight plagues with swords...they'd have done quite well
Me: well, you kinda could....i mean, its not like you saw the plague til it was in a person...and then you could use your sword on the person...but it was airborne, so you kinda screwed yourself a bit at that point. unless your THREW the sword, but you'd need a damn good arm. i dunno. complicated.
Me: i'll take a crossbow anyday
Dick: sword throwing is more of an art than a form of weaponry
Dick: or a mini ballista
Dick: pocket ballista perhaps?
Me: did those exist in the fifteenth century?
Me: i think you're thinking of the 115th century...hasn't come yet dude
Dick: well then let's invent time travel first. there's a way around everything
Me: sort of. except that if we invented time travel and say, came back to this spot to tell ourselves we invented it, wouldn't we see ourselves by now?
Me: and possibly kill them.
Me: cause that's what people do when they see their doubles, y'know
Dick: Not me, I'd hit on myself
Dick: flirt a little
Me: yeah, i was always a little baffled by the killing thing....but movies says its so
Dick: well let's just send a pocket ballista through the time machine and land that mofo right in Da Vinci's lab
Dick: that way we don't have to deal with doubles
Me:: dude, can you imagine what kinda art he'd make from that?
Dick: Mona Lisa would be a warrior of epic sorts
Me: and she'd be holding it, like a badge of honor, with a great big scar down the side of her face
Dick: and lasers in the background, maybe a wampa or sarlac
Dick: never know
Me: hmm, maybe not the lasers. cause they did that when i was in fourth grade for our school pics and it didn't work out so great.
Dick: eff it, let's make that ourselves and send it back through time
Dick: we need to not beat around the bush and MAKE things happen
Me:: i'm digging it. how are you with math?
Dick: uuummmm what's math?
Me: yeah, see, that's where we hit our snag. trust me, i've tried this
Me: was SO CLOSE to a breakthrough...then i found out about the math
Dick: math shatters dreams
Me: it really kinda did. i never really recuperated from that one...that was...uh...the sixth century i think? i've lost track.
Me: the romans were still around, so probably