wow asylum

May 31, 2009 18:35


did that all srsly just happen?
i mean...i didn't dream it, right? the past three days DID happen, right?

now that it's sunday night, and i finally have the chance to sit down and breatheat and process everything that i was lucky enough to do this weekend...i don't think i can wrap my head around it.

whatever i did to deserve the last few days, i am so incredibly grateful <3

-I spent most of the weekend with the actors/guests. both in the long bus rides between london and england, and at the con itself.
-got some wonderful pictures. am gonna make a scrapbook.
-My hotel room was a closet XD srsly. wall, tiny bed, tiny bathroom, wall.
-Fangirls are INSANE. those poor actors.
-I never got a badge. I just introduced myself to the staff one at a time, got the ok from the head guy, and was allowed to go anywhere i wanted. i was polite, well-behaved and willing to help, so no one minded.
-Met so many people from so many different countries. it was amazing
-Didn't talk with as much of an accent as i thought i would. go figure. or maybe i'm just not hearing it.
-I FINALLY got to meet the delightful strangeandcharm, despite how surprisingly busy i was. will get to spend more time with her tomorrow on my last day in london.
-If i had not ridden the bus with the actors, i would probably be in the hospital instead (or at least banged up all to hell), since my original ride was in a car accident on the way there. um...yikes.
-Misha is pretty when he sleeps <3 (whut?). and very quiet when not in front of a crowd. his wife is beautiful.
-I worked as much as I could at the convention, even though i wasn't staff. i don't think anyone minded. :3
-was asked quite often to help clear hallways, move people along and grab attention for announcements because i was the *quote* 'Loud Yank' *endquote* hahahaha
-The printer fucked up my pictures. so no one got to see/own them, but i'm told they will be getting them in the mail. bollocks. i was, however, given one of the few proofs, and the cast was more than happy to sign it for me <3 (and they loved them, omg, they srsly made me cry. all of the actors wanted one, and my face was so bloody red. it was overwhelming)
-Jensen signed the 'BigPic' for me. final sig GOT. \o/
-I did more running this weekend than I have in a year (yes. running. like, literally. i could make it from one end of the convention to the other in a minute flat) the air here is fantastic, no asthma attacks.
-Misha and Jared nearly clocked me at least three times with sharpies. i DID get hit with an unchewed piece of gum twice tho, damn them.
-Jared is an easily distracted twelve year old boy in a really pretty manbod.
-Jensen deals VERY well with all of the crap that fans do to him. I was impressed by his maturity with it all.
-Fred gives the best hugs evar. I loved getting to see he and Ginger again. (he even remembered me <3 *sniffs*) I tried so hard to stay low profile because I wasn't as important as the actors, but Fred wouldn't let me. He reminded me so much of my father that it literally hurt to say goodbye to him. i hope our paths cross again.
-All of Jensen's big, burly bodyguards were hilarious, and not so intimidating once i got to know them, despite the fact that one of them could have crushed my head with his fingers.
-Malik made fun of me all weekend. ALL WEEKEND. he very nearly put me in a headlock too, but i'm quicker than he is. lucky for him he's good looking :F
-As soon as they found out that I was nervous to speak to Misha, Jared and Jensen...gawd...Matt snatched the pic I had for Misha and showed it to him right in front of me, Malik introduced then shoved me into Jared (literally, but the dude is a rock) and Amy, Gabe, Richard and Fred manhandled me over to Jensen. I didn't stand a chance x___x
-Malik loved that I drew him as the only angry black man XD Jensen said he couldn't figure out which one Malik was *snort*
-Coke tastes better in the UK.
-I have barely eaten this entire weekend; kept forgetting.
-missed most of the Q&A's, but i was backstage for some of them.
-Amy Gumenick is adorable, i <3 her to bitty pieces and am damn well going to write to her. her boyfriend was just as awesome.
-Matt Cohen and Mandy Musgrave absolutely made my weekend. I cannot think of two more beautiful and friendly people. (and wow, she wasn't kidding, they really are all over youtube. huh.)
-The Staff at the con were very under-appreciated and over-stressed for all the work they did. i was more than happy to help whenever i could.
-i totally missed out on the crazy bedlam in the main hall. dashitall. i wanted to see some hair pullin fangirls.
-i had to run for every single one of my pics.(no, really. run.) the only one of them i really liked tho, the group shot, Matt accidentally left on the bus. !@#$%^&* gonna have to see if i can get another copy. (although i was not impressed with the photographer. lots of off center, badly lit pics. lame)
-Samantha was incredibly hot, holy cow, and very sweet/motherly.
-I got to talk to Richard almost the entire way back to london about his role in 'Band of Brothers' and all of the WW2 vets he got to speak to. He requested fanart of the Trickster X3
-Sam, Richard's accompanying friend, was a graphic designer and had a webcomic. i -loved- chatting with him XD he told me i should draw for tokyopop, bless'm
-Misha told me how to work twitter. i still don't think i'll use it, lol. everyone on the bus groaned when he told us about his last tweet (or twit, as he kept calling it) about the queen.
-Gabriel Tigerman is also an artist. Totally didn't know it, so i picked his brain. never have i met someone so full of joy. both he and his wife were amazing. (just married!)
-my feet have blisters.
-my body aches.
-i got very little sleep.
-I will miss them all very, very much.

there's so much that i will never be able to tell *laughs* i owe them all that much.
my life is so strange. XD

LOL, i found this crazy blurry picture through tracy_loo_who's con post. that blotch of maroon back behind the left side of Matt? (if the pic was vertical) yeah, that's me X)
ignore that caption tho, the dude on the right is Josh, Amy's bf X) Matt was there with his fiance, not his brother. this sneaky photographer thinks they captured something great, but really, at that moment we were all comparing our freaky and gross double jointed talents. hollywood is all glamour, i tell you.

gathering of the geeks, weekend, wtf, made of win, whats the difference between an orange?

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