So i'm feeling less like a lump lately.
but still have been very quick to get both irritated and angry, so i'm not out of the craptasticness yet. i'd apologize, but meh. i'll work through it. just don't count on a lot of conversations that don't end in 'ok enough, please piss off.'
it's just one of those weeks.
or months, depending on how things go with The Move and various other responsibilities i'd prefer to ignore. i'm grumpy and that's ok, cause its gotta work its way through my system eventually.
on the plus side, i've gotten myself back into some art, and have been happy to play with my new awesome laptop and my upgraded to UBER pc. Cs3 for the win. i love this fricken program. not only that, but it came with after effects and flash, which i haven't played with in years. if i'm bored enough, i may just fiddle :3
not that boredom has been an issue at all.
i was also lucky enough to a small, copic airbrush kit that i've been both itching to try and terrified of making some unholy mess.
the laptop is adorable tho, i love it. it's one of those that has a screen that flips around to become a tablet. i can even draw with my finger if i want :3 i've named him Sammy <3 *nerd*
oh, speaking of nerd. the latest
SPN spoiler crisis is amusingly irritating enough for me to put out the effort to poke fun at the fandom once again. (not that i really need a reason) i was chatting with M about it at work today.
E: lordy, fandom asplode
M: whut?
E: stupid spoiler rumors just lit a fire cracker under those in my fandom
M: :o
E: srsly, everyone's going batshit
E: some IKNOWALLONTV loudmouth is claiming that apparently, john winchester may have produced more than two heirs in his lifetime
E: so i'm sitting there like 'HAHAHA, why john, you slut'
M: John the manwhore
E: i'm convinced with a libido like his, he has LEGION by now
E: all across the country, hell, two in every state at least
E: that's gotta be, what, a hundred?
E: but only if john made it to hawaii
E: then there's about five winchesters there
it's a good thing fandom is around, really. definitely a decent reminder that i'm really not as crazy and uptight as i think i might be.
yuck. early mornings suck on rainy days -.- I DEMAND SNOW.
heading up to NYC next weekend for my birthday ^___^ i love new york in the winter, so i'm really looking forward to it.