'What will your obituary say?' at
QuizGalaxy.com LOL.
cause i needed a good chuckle.
oog. man. schedules are crazy and EVERY.ONE.WANTS.TO.SEE.ME.ALL.OF.A.SUDDEN.WTH.
when did i get so damned popular? x.x
and i'd totally be up for going out and just hanging with everyone if not for things being so crazy lately. so bear with me, humans. i am but a single (yet awesome) person who hates making plans. work with me here.
work is hectic, yet manageable. gonna be in charge of training for the next two weeks, so getting prepared has been kinda nerve wracking.
been drawing like a madwoman (when i have the time), but not enough coloring.
kat wants me this weekend, going camping next weeked with sako, family reunion the following one (without my brothers tho. WOE.) and then...something something something i should write these things down.
peaceful sleep is for the weak.
my next planned vacation will be a scheduled week long coma methinks. i'll be traveling first class, of course.
guh, why can't i lose weight when i'm stressed like normal crazy people? XP