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littlepunkryo October 24 2010, 03:44:10 UTC
Your day sounds a lot like my day, just with less sports. I'm sorry about your boys and their game, bb :(

You know I always feel guilty about drifting away from things like Smallville or Star Trek, but on the flip side, getting back INTO them lets you discover how awesome and engaging they are all over again, almost, so I enjoy it. I watched Star Trek today, too, and am reading fic right now \o/


Oh AND, I am kind of thinking of watching S9 of Smallville, cause I wanna see Clois, but I don't wanna watch sucky stuff, and IDK if S9 sucked. So I am torn. But I love all the gifs/picspams I've seen on tumblr lately.


oatmeal_cookie October 24 2010, 03:56:06 UTC
:( Sigh, sports were made to break hearts. I'll be okay, thank you, bb. <333

EEEEEEEEE TREK \o/ \o/ \o/ And you're totally right, the ~separation~ is good and makes us feel like we're getting into it for the first time all over again. I think I'm gonna spend the day reading fic too. ~living the good life~

S9 didn't suck! I don't actually remember much of it offhand, but I remember that the finale was MARVELOUS, so it's more than worth it to watch, I think. From S4-S7, all I watched were Lois episodes and I was fine - you should do that with S9! They have soooooo many gorgeous moments, especially in the latter half of the season. :3


littlepunkryo October 24 2010, 04:08:32 UTC
LOL they really were; few things get you as engaged so quickly and then end up leaving so shattered like sports can ;__; I stan a hockey team that is just so WTF it's not even real, so. Yeah ( ... )


oatmeal_cookie October 24 2010, 04:37:18 UTC
I live for baseball for 6 months of the year, and from September onward I've been on tenterhooks because they've basically SUCKED. They got my hopes up when they won 3 straight games in the ALDS, but then. :( Baw. I hate that I have to wait until April for things to start back up, sigh.

It took me like 3 hours to read seperis's 25k! I know some people don't like her style, but I think it fits really well with Star Trek, and her characterizations are so easy to drown in. It's gonna take me the whole day to reread War Games, I'm excited. :D ( ... )


littlepunkryo October 24 2010, 04:52:21 UTC
So you have six months of stress, heartbreak and elation. At least they give you another 6 months after to recover! Hopefully they come back better next year :( My Coyotes almost made the damn playoffs and choked in the end. Ugh.

For me personally her style is more hit or miss especially in AI fandom, but all of her Trek fics are perfect; I really, really love her Jim and Spock. It's easy for them to be written as too perfect but she doesn't do it, so it makes me happy.

I'd feel bad, but I guess that's just how I enjoy things.It's the same for me - I always get to a point where I've enjoyed it as much as I can, and then I need to take a break and come back later. Except with Kris, but he's Kris, and he's always a special case ( ... )


oatmeal_cookie October 24 2010, 05:34:45 UTC
seperis has said before that Trek will always be her first and best fandom, and it really shows in her writing. Ugh I love her stuff, and while I know she kind of burnt out with War Games, hopefully the sequel will push her to write some more.

I just really hope Michael will agree to come back one more time, just in the finale. Hopefully Lana doesn't.

I want Michael to come back too! I always cringed when they showed faxe!Lex, I think it's so disrespectful to him and his legacy on the show. I wanna see him talk to Clark before the series ends.

Total WORD on Lana though, because while I'm sure Kristin is a lovely person and would love for her to come back before everything ends, I just know that bringing her back would be another grand opportunity for the writers to shit on Lois and Clark/Lois. :|


littlepunkryo October 24 2010, 14:00:49 UTC
Ohh I really do hope the sequel sparks her interest again, because I would die. And IA about fake!Lex, especially since how he's nothing but a deranged maniac in a straight jacket or whatever. That's not Lex Luthor. Lex isn't a psychopath like the Joker, what makes him Lex is that everything is business to him and he's ruthless and he wants as much power as he can get - not everything is about Superman to him.

And ugh, I agree that first loves are important, but I think everyone is tired of the whole "when Lana shows up everything becomes about her" thing that happens in EVERY episode she's in. Let Clark move on, writers.


oatmeal_cookie October 24 2010, 16:16:07 UTC
"when Lana shows up everything becomes about her"

That is EXACTLY what happens, and it pisses me the hell off.

Let Clark move on, writers.

He already has, and they have written it wonderfully, they are just incapable of understanding that Clark can have both women in his life, that they don't have to tear one down to legitimize the other. I don't trust them to make Lana's return satisfying to the audience, and I'm pretty sure they're gonna make Clark look extremely stupid along the way, too. So really, they shouldn't even try.


littlepunkryo October 24 2010, 16:19:08 UTC
I don't trust them to make Lana's return satisfying to the audience, and I'm pretty sure they're gonna make Clark look extremely stupid along the way, too.

Ugh they always turn him into bumbling-stupid-teenage Clark when she's around. I wouldn't mind it if they showed her the Clark I'M seeing right now in the episodes, the one who's so much more mature and grown up, but. They won't. It's like the Lana character completely destroys their ability to maintain characterization.

But I saw little Alexander :3 He's qt! Of course he's also somehow going to end up a criminal mastermind.


oatmeal_cookie October 24 2010, 16:23:38 UTC
In my history of TV watching, no storyline has pissed me off more than Promise in S6, and when Lana returned in S8. Clark turns into a spineless douche whenever she's around, and I won't stand for it.

Aaaahhhh bb Lex is presh. His little freckles. :3


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