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Mar 17, 2009 00:41

First order of business: Belated happy birthday, Nikki! I'd post a picture of us together, but it's been an embarrassingly long time since we took a picture together. That is a TRAVESTY, I tell you.

Like I told you on Facebook (LOL ang lame ng pagbati ko sa'yo, sorry na but I knew we were celebrating naman fo'realz this week), I'm so lucky to have had you in my life for this long. Seven of your birthdays so far, and of course many more to come. I love you so much. I hope you had a great day, and I can't wait to see you. :)


Next up, I will talk about how my day went. I was so intent on finishing the Social Science part of my NMAT review today, but I lost literally all of my concentration at around 5 PM. I walked the dog and surfed around the internet, and to no avail. I cannot find either inspiration or motivation, so instead I will tell you about all the awesome TV I watched last week. :D

I mentioned over on Plurk that the evening of March 12th (EST) is my BEST DAY EVER. So many awesome shows! So many (potentially) great episodes! I didn't let myself get too hyped up because that will just be setting myself up for disappointment, but you know what?

THEY WERE ALL AWESOME. Like, for once in my life (except during finale season), all my shows have made me happy!

Here's some photographic evidence! (In the order that I watched the episodes, because once again you cannot make me choose a favorite.)

Bones 4x16: The Bones That Foam

Brennan: In the spirit of scientific inquiry, I'd like to see if what you say about psychology is true.
Sweets: Did you just dare me, Dr. Brennan?
Sweets: That's right, that's right. I was expressing anger. Excellent recognition. Very poor response to it, though.
Brennan: Should I have become physical?

OHMYGOD this is my favorite part of the episode. I laughed so hard at Sweets demonstrating emotion, and trying his hardest to educate Bones. Hee. Can't say he was any kind of successful, though.

Cam: Oh, I see. We're going with the old Blame The Corpse defense.
Dr. Nigel Murray: Would it interest you to know --
Dr. Hodgins: No. No, at this time it would... not.

Squints Shenanigans! I think Dr. Nigel Murray is my favorite of the interns. :D

Booth: You got empathy. You're awkward. That's different.
Brennan: My stuff is bones. Yours is people.
Booth: Right. So... you're admitting that I'm better at something than you are.
Brennan: No... yes. A lot better.
Booth: Thanks, Bones.

And of course. These two. No episode is complete without their goofy smiles and their own brand of shenanigans. Love.

Smallville 8x15: Infamous

Clark: That time the barn door flew off its hinges, you thought it was a weather anomaly. I did that.
Lois: Yeah, right. What did you do, sneeze?
Clark: Actually...

Dear God, thank you thank you thank you for this perfect gift of Tom Welling and Erica Durance in the rain. Love, Lara. (OMG THEY'RE SO HOT.)

Also: Lois's reaction = priceless.

Lois: I guess I should stop calling you Smallville.
Clark: You're speechless. That's never a good thing.
Lois: How did I not put these pieces together? I lived with you. And now we practically work on top of each other. I mean, have I been high this entire time?
Clark: The important thing is that you know now. And there's no better reporter to tell my story than you. Would you do me the honor?
Lois: Consider it done.

Post-reveal = um, best scene EVER? I think so. They're both so cute and hilarious and everything I love about the pairing. Always be like this, kids. You're too awesome for words. (PS. I don't think it's any coincidence that Clark doesn't smile like that when he's with anybody else.) Oh, also! Superman without the costume. I love the smile on Clark's face when he sees how much everyone loves him (they really should have him smile more often), too bad it didn't last more than five minutes. :|

Lois: Some people spend their entire lives looking for a way to stand out. To be a person that anybody would call special. When you first told me who you were, my thought was "anyone but Clark". And not because of the alien thing - I have known enough guys to know that you can be born in terraform and be light years from normal.
Clark: Lois, you don't have to explain. I get it.
Lois: No, you don't. How can someone with x-ray vision be so blind? I've been down the hero road before. And every time, I made a giant U-turn. But this. This was different.
Clark: And this time it will be different, Lois. When I do this, no one's gonna remember who I am.
Lois: And when you hit your reset button, you're not gonna tell me your secret, are you?
Clark: I'm sorry.
Lois: It's okay. Why should I think I'm special? Clark. I understand.
Clark: Lois, you don't understand. It's because you are special.

Break my heart, please. Oh, but I have never loved any end scene in Smallville more than I loved this one. It's so beautiful. I love my 'ship so so so much.

ER 15x19: Old Times

DOUG ROSS AND CAROL HATHAWAY! Back on ER after NINE YEARS! Ohmylord. And here they are, coming back like they've never been gone. Flirting in the hallway! Their girls hate spelling! Still working as an awesome team! Sigh sigh sigh. They cannot be more perfect and happy. Also: George Clooney, just try to be more gorgeous. Just try. Dear lord.

Carol: Not bad for a day's work, huh?
Doug: Not bad.

Wedding rings! Snuggling while their love theme is playing in the background! Clooney's DOUG-ROSS-LOVES-CAROL-HATHAWAY-FOREVER throaty voice! You guyyyyyyys, I don't know how to explain to you how amazing this was for me. I'm just... I'm so happy that this happened, that the show and its actors are classy enough to do something like this so perfectly. Oh, ER. I love you like nothing else.

Grey's Anatomy 5x17: I Will Follow You Into The Dark

Meredith: You're not looking at the big picture.
Derek: This is the big picture.

Derek: I'm not hiding. I'm done. I'm done operating.
Meredith: Oh. Okay. So, you're just quitting.
Derek: You should understand better than anybody else. You wrote the book on quitting. Running. Hiding. You wrote a lot of books, Meredith.
Meredith: That may be true. But I'm here now.
Meredith: Derek Shepherd, you are drunk. And you're angry. And I've been there, so I understand.
Derek: Just go away, Meredith. This is what you want. I'm giving you an out.
Meredith: I'm not going anywhere.
Derek: I said leave. Meredith, LEAVE!
Meredith: Is that the best you've got? 'Cause I'm not bailing. We're in this together.

I... tears. TEARS! This whole scene is violent and sad and depressing and hurtful and unfair, but I have never loved my 'ship more. ♥ I quote the beautiful morgenwrites: Poor broken Der playing beer can baseball. So wounded and broken and lashing out at Mer because he doesn’t think he deserves her anymore and she’s probably going to leave him anyway now that he’s such a failing failure who kills things, so why not go ahead and snarl at her so at least he’s the one who makes her leave. Guh. Sigh. So pretty. And so awesome. I never thought they were going this way, but I love that they are. And I cannot wait for more. :)



And as a super-awesome extra bonus: I started watching The Big Bang Theory Saturday night. I've heard from just about everybody in the universe how great this show is, so I was expecting great things. UM. It was even BETTER than I thought it would be. My goodness. I have never loved being a dork more. I love the whole cast, but I love Dr. Sheldon Cooper the most. AND I AM IN LOVE WITH JIM PARSONS. Ohmylord. He is ten thousand kinds of adorable, and he's just my absolute favorite out of all the 4 hilarious nerds. Love him, love him, love him.

I finished season 1 this morning, and I want to show you my two most favorite, LMFAO-est scenes of the first seventeen episodes.

Leonard: Oh no!
Sheldon: Oh no!
Raj: Make way for the fastest man alive -- oh no!
Sheldon: See, this is why I wanted to have a costume meeting!
Leonard: We all have other costumes. We can change.
Raj: Or we could walk right behind each other all night. It'll look like one person going really really fast.

Raj's joke was just the most hilarious thing to me. Maybe because I'm kind of turning into a Justice League dork now? And because it is exactly how they do the super speed thing on Smallville? I don't know, but I had to pause the video after that joke, I was laughing so hard. Man.

Penny: Question. Why?
Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, Howard: Because we can.

Better on YouTube!

OMG REMOTE ACCESS. BEST EVER. It's all about the sound effects and the physical comedy, and I just could not stop laughing when they started jumping around the room. I was watching this with my dad and I was laughing so obnoxiously that we just looked at me weirdly. Oh, man. I know this is the premise of the entire show, but I have never ever ever seen anything more dorky. I LOVE THEM.

I don't know when I'll be starting season 2, but I'd love to catch up to current episodes as soon as possible. And once finals are done, I'm almost definitely going to re-marathon them all. I found that they're even better (sometimes even more hilarious) the second time around. :D If you're not watching this show, I cannot recommend it more. It's dorky and hilarious and its characters are so, so charming. I hear season 2 is even better than season 1, and I cannot wait.


Wow, this entry is long. Enough. Here's to the last week of classes! :D Hellishly busy as always, but there's that beautiful light shining at the end of the tunnel for all of us. Good luck, everyone! ♥

"I knew that there were no guarantees. No way of knowing what came next for me, for him, or anybody. Some things don’t last forever, but some things do. Like a good song, or a good book, or a good memory you can take out and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down the corners and peering in close, hoping you still recognize the person you see there."

-- This Lullaby, by Sarah Dessen

lj: picspam, tv: smallville, rl: college: 3rd year, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: er, tv: the big bang theory, tv: bones

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