The Physics72 exam went terribly. :| But I forgot all about it once I met up with Jaw in McDo Katipunan at around 11am. We spent almost 5 hours there just talking and laughing and giggling and singing and talking endlessly. We could have gone on until dinner time, but eventually we had to go home. :P
This is the best thing about my friendship with Jaw - we never run out of things to say to each other. We have thousands of things in common: fangirl-y tendencies, taste in music, sense of humor, our general way of thinking just align almost completely perfectly. Best of all, she has this unique quality in that she can always make me open up about things even when I'm feeling especially closed-off or evasive. She has always been the best person for that, especially back in high school. I know it's not easy, haha. I'm so glad that hasn't changed a single bit over the years.
I love you, Jaw. :) We probably won't be able to hang out like that for a few months, but you know I'm always here.
I'm so glad I got the Physics exam over with by 9AM, because that made space for the rest of my day to be completely awesome. Things I loved about today, in no particular order:
1. THE WEATHER. I am so in love with the temperature we've had in the last couple of days. When I was walking home right before sunset, a soft breeze blowing and it felt like I was in the mountains of Rizal at three in the morning. I was huddled in my UP Centennial jacket - which is pretty thick - and I still felt the bite of the cold. I'm sitting here freezing because of the soft breeze from the electric fan. I hope it stays this way forever.
2. This awesome
Spring Awakening picspam by
safillevendredi. Also, this Coach/Mrs. Coach Friday Night Lights
3. My dad was able to fix my earphones! WOOT. The left bud suddenly stopped working a couple of days ago, so I've been suffering with the white ones that came with my iPod. HORRIBLE quality, I hate them so much. :( I was afraid that my kickass Sony earphones were going to the little earphone heaven, but my dad worked a miracle. I'm so relieved. Yay for non-muffled, non-grainy sound quality!
4. Kara dropped off my PMHS Kris Kringle gift: a brand new copy of Pride and Prejudice (the book - my old copy is frayed and is just generally a disaster) + a VCD of A Very Special Love!!! \:D/ Just what I asked for this Christmas, whee! Now I just need to get my hands on a VCD of One More Chance, and I'll be happy with my tiny little John Lloyd Cruz collection. ;)
First of all:
Oh, Heath. I admit I got a little teary when the whole audience gave him a standing ovation. Sigh. What a wonderfully eloquent speech by Christopher Nolan, too. Kudos to him for speaking in everyone's behalf.
MORE IMPORTANTLY THOUGH, OMG KATE WINSLET. BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS AND BEST ACTRESS!!!!!!!!!! :D She so so so deserves this, OMG after so many years of being shafted. "You have to forgive me, because I'm not used to winning things." AWWWWWWW. Best part of the night: KATE WINS BEST ACTRESS FOR REVOLUTIONARY ROAD!!! SO ADORABLE (though I was sincerely afraid for her safety while going up those steps. She was bordering on hyperventilating, my goodness). I LOVE HER SPEECH. "Oh, 'wrap up,' you have NO IDEA how much I am NOT WRAPPING UP."
Click to view
Leo! I'm so happy I can stand up here and tell you how much I love you and how much I've loved you for thirteen years! Your performance in this film is nothing short of spectacular. I just... I love you with all my heart. I really do.
And Leo blows her a kiss! SO ADORABLE. Yeah may be a dork for loving them as much as I do, but they're
just too awesome that I can't not. ♥
6. John Mayer. Just, in general. I had all of his songs on shuffle for my commute home, and it just reminded me all over again why I have loved him for as long as I have, why I love him as much as I do. He is teh awesome. ♥
7. YAY in general for how today ended. My waking up at the ungodly hour of 5 this morning did not bode well at all, and the exam was a disaster, but I'm glad the day just turned around completely. I just need to catch up on a bit of sleep, and hopefully the week will follow suit. :)
I think if you lifted my heart to your ear you could probably hear the ocean. I have this dream of being whole. Of not going to sleep wanting. But, still, sometimes, when the wind is warm or the crickets sing, I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for.
-- Practical Magic