hello, yes, i am alive. :) i'm dropping by just so it won't be more than 3 weeks between updates.
- PMHS, always and forever. congratulations, inductees! :) and then there's Elections and Sendoff 2008! exciting!
- Coffee Prince ♥♥♥ YES HELLO ANG GWAPO NI HAN KYUL, OKAY. super bad timing to get obsessed, what with finals coming up and all, but what can i do. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. hopia was right. :P currently on Ep 12, dying with all the squeeful moments of complete and utter LOVE. *sigh*
- in line with that, KeepVid.com. hee. :D
- Megan Hilty and Shoshana Bean. super funny!
- Eden Espinosa, Megan Hilty, and Shoshana Bean. THE TRIO OF AWESOME. TRUE STORY.
- Flaming Wings, two Thursdays in a row. Wicked Oreos ♥
- the Once soundtrack. i loved the movie (though it's far from my usual type), but the music just blew me away. gorgeous.
- SPRING TRAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D YAY, 27 in 2008!
- Friday Night Lights. i finished watching 2x11-2x15 sometime this week and ugh please oh please oh please oh please don't be cancelled. PLEASE. we all need Coach, Mrs. Coach, Smash, Jason, Lyla, Matt, Landry, Tyra, Julie and Tim Riggins in our lives. to anyone who hasn't watched this yet, you are truly missing, like, 95% of your TV life. FNL can do no wrong: even when it's not-so-good, it's better than all other TV shows i've watched. and when it's good? just, wow. i cannot fangirl this show enough. i have all the episodes on DVD, JUST ASK AND I WILL DELIVER.
- APRIL. so much love in store for this month -- sendoff, birthdays, release of certain Wicked LA masters (LOL), new TV episodes, summer in general. yay!
- David Archuleta. so adorable. i have yet to watch a complete episode of American Idol, but i have mp3s of all his performances. :)
- nights early mornings spent "studying" with much-missed friends... in Paranaque, of all places. ;) can't wait for Wednesday. :D
- Norbert Leo Butz in the off-Broadway recording of The Last 5 Years. i'm currently obsessed with If I Didn't Believe In You and its depressing awesomeness. just. his voice. it just kills me. (just hang on and you'll see, but don't make me wait til you do to be happy with you, will you LISTEN TO ME? guh.)
- The X-Files. i'm up to my eyebrows in fanfic, i downloaded and watched the first movie last weekend, and i cannot wait for the second one this July. YAY MULDER AND SCULLY. (again, someone PLEASE find me the complete set of DVDs for this. or even just the first 5 seasons. pleeeeeeeease.)
- "Things will always happen. And he will still be there, even when it's not his journey, because he has chosen to make mine his." ♥
- two Bio12 exams this Tuesday and Wednesday. GOD HELP US.
- SUMMER 2008. will be taking Chem31 (because if i don't, madedelay ako sa majors ko) and have been told that it will cause major brain meltage and neuron-destruction, especially when unfortunate enough to be assigned to the wrong prof. i foresee another ruined summer ahead. :( bright side: i wouldn't have to go through the utter HORROR that is summer enlistment, because CRS has already given me a slot in the schedule that i wanted (9-11 lec, 1-5 lab). hurray!
- kakalabas lang ng list of Med students sa PGH Batch 2013 (CONGRATULATIONS, OUR GREAT PMHS LOVES, FOR PASSING! ANG GALING GALING NYO! it's weird that you'll be batchmates with our Pisay06 friends, but i'm sure you'll all get along great), causing much bitterness, desperation and hopelessness sa puso namin ni Clar. :P i don't want to give up on it, but i fear that, two years from now, if (when?) i see that list without my name on it... gah. i really really don't want to get my heart broken again. :(
- i have not checked Multiply in three weeks. wala nanamang internet sa dorm (UGH), so i only have weekends to access my online universe. it's already bitch to check LJ, and Multiply is just a whole 'nother story, especially without filters. O_O two weekends ago, sobrang tinamad lang ako magcheck, so i didn't. the weekend after that, natakot na 'ko, because i knew i'd have to go back more than 20 pages sa Inbox to finish skimming everything. and now? it'll probably be close to 50 pages, and i just don't have the patience for that. eugh. :|
- I MISS EVERYONE. yes, everyone. that includes you and you and you, you, and you. (to people living with, living with, living with, not dying from disease! haha) i've been pretty detached from the world lately, i don't know how or why it happened, but to those who may be worried/worrying: i am fine. :) but i miss youuuuu. ugh.
yun na lang muna. nakakapagod magtype. :P
God bless everyone, in all our exams, papers, other requirements, and the general ickiness that comes at the end of every semester. much love to all of you. :)
Life contains these things: leakage and wickage and discharge, pus and snot and slime and gleet. We are biology. We are reminded of this at the beginning and the end, at birth and at death. In between we do what we can to forget.